The Blind Date

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A/N HI! I don't know where the hell this story is going 100%. All I know is TMS filming, Jenvid and probably unsuccessfully writing some TMS characters along with a new character. This first part is probably rough 😂 also I wanted to write Jason and Hannah on a double date of some kind with Jen. You can thank Cam for that.

"Pleaseeeee?" The man asked, giving her his best puppy dog eyes.

Jen sighed, her eyes wandered to his, and she began admitting defeat. "Fine, I'll go out with whoever you set me up with. Know I'm doing this for you and Hannah, not myself. I know you want me to be happy with a partner, but I just..." she  pointed at the man before she trailed off, her mind falling back to the man she had longed for for so long. Especially again the last couple of years.

"What he and I have is so good. I can't and won't screw it up again, jsuds." Jen said sadly as she sat next to him, bottle of water in hand as she took a big mouthful of the liquid. Jason stared at his friend and smiled brightly at her. "I have never met David - actually no, that's a lie. I met him once on FaceTime when I was with Nick. Him not going for you is a big mistake on his part. Though, I do understand fears he may have... I think." Jason then shot up, twirled around and pointed at Jennifer. "You and I are going out and having a great time tonight! Not everyday you and Reese are in town, whether that's business or pleasure, or both!. Wish she and the husband could have joined, but oh well. The guy I have in mind for you is pretty great too. You kind of already know him! And no, no exes! I know your take on that." Jason said, a small smile spreading across his lips.

Jen put her hand to her chest. "I trust you. Don't fuck it up!" she joked. "In all seriousness, I know you won't fuck up...not intentionally anyway. This is a good step in moving on from..Well...You know." Her cheeks flushing a shade of red as her mind went back to the night in early September.

"Hey, David...Can I try something?" Jen asked the man as he stood in her kitchen, making conversation and helping her put dishes away. David looked at her, his eyebrow raised in question but nodded. Jen sighed, then took a couple of steps toward him before gently cupping his cheek and pressing her lips to his gently.

He tried to hide it, but Jen felt him tense up for a fraction of a second. She immediately pulled away and felt her face blush an intense red color out of embarrassment.

"David...I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know what washed over me." Jen said apologetically. David smiled softly, squeezing her arms gently. "Hey, don't apologize. I love you, you're my best friend." He admitted, his stomach turning into knots as he immediately realized what he said and regretting it the second a quick flash of rejection and sadness washed over her face.

Jen shook her head. "Sorry, back to happier thoughts!" She giggled as she stared at her friend in glee. Jason shook his head "Hey, no need to apologize. As you said, what you had and have with him is good, and it's super special..." as he was about to finish his statement, his phone vibrated with a text. He quickly looked at it. "Right, that's Hannah. I gotta go get some stuff done." Jason announced before pulling Jen up and giving her a tight hug.

They chatted a bit more as they walked toward her door, before having one more hug and seeing him off completely.

Once he was in his car, he looked down at his phone and looked for a contact number and calling.

"So, tonight's going to be fun. Fucking with Jen." The voice on the other end laughed. Jason laughed in response. "She has NO idea. I feel like you're the LAST person she'd ever expect. It will be a worthwhile disaster."

"See you tonight."

"Yeah, see you tonight."

Later that day, Jen was in her closet, mulling over her options. She looked at a red jumpsuit and nodded with approval. She wasn't really expecting anything from this 'date' but that didn't mean she was about to slack off on looking presentable when she was meeting new people.

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