TOW thinking about the 90's

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A/N Alright, this got a little "flashback" smut in it. totally thought of AH days later, but toned down(Thanks, C LOL) Also the flashback portion was an idea I had for months and did not know how to write it in a chapter or story after reading chapter 10 of 'the one where the lines get kinda blurry'. I won't spoil that chapter, I will just say my little idea is a little further into their friendship.

When Jen got home, she sat at her computer and noticed she missed some FaceTime calls from Courteney.

"Just got back from a TMS meeting, I'm about to do a podcast. I don't know how busy you'll be by the time I'm done with my meetings, but maybe we can talk later? If not, I'll be home in LA Thursday. You can grill me about the stuff I know you want to know about."

Seconds later, she saw Courteney's reply.

Good. You already know I will grill you about him!

The rest of the afternoon Jen had done multiple interviews, discussing lolavie, TMS and Murder Mystery 2. She was pretty impressed that nobody seemed to bring up David and their relationship status. That was, of course, until Laura.

"Alright, Jen, you know me. You know I cut stuff and make sure nothing is accidentally leaked. Like Lolavie last August! So, what's going on between you and Ross?" She asked near the end of the interview, a smirk crossing her face. Jen shrugged "I don't know! You tell me!" She replied with a bit of a guilty laugh, her cheeks flushing as she thought of the man she was just with. "You know, you're the first interviewer to ask me that question all afternoon, and I'm grateful. In the last couple of years Schwimmer and I have had time to really fix any bridges that we might have thought we burned. We loved each other. We love each other still to this day. So many years ago, it was sort of all unrequited love. I wanted him, he had a woman. He wanted me, I had a man. We tried to keep it professional and did for the most part. Though we did slip a few times on the rare occasion and hooked up. Now we're in this nice easy spot where it's not so unrequited anymore." She then started thinking back to and recalling that first encounter in 1997.

Jen and David were standing near Monica's apartment, waiting to go in for the most brutal scene they had ever had to do: Ross and Rachel's breakup. Things had felt tense between the pair all week, and when the day finally came, it was even more tense and weird for them. They were not the only ones who felt the strain between the pair, as the other 4 did as well. They separately reassured everyone they were fine, that this was all part of the plan to keep the tension high for what was going to happen later in the week.

Though, if she was honest with herself, Jen was torn up about the whole ordeal. All she wanted to do was throw herself into David's strong, muscular embrace. She wanted him to hold her, to reassure her they were fine. She found herself going through the scenes in tears, David responding with his own tears as Ross begged Rachel to forgive him.

"This can't be it." David sobbed, doing his best to breathe. Trying to remind himself that this wasn't real. They were perfectly fine realistically. It still felt all too real, though.

"Then how come it is?" Replied Jen, who was equally as broken.

When they heard 'Cut' Jen instantly felt a weight lunge at her as David threw his arms around her, kissing her hair, discreetly kissing her neck, hugging her like his life depended on it. "Fuck I miss you." She heard him whimper. She did her best to choke back a sob as she hugged him just as tightly. "I miss you. So much." She replied, that sob breaking through before James and Marta came up to the pair and excused them for the rest of the day after they were done praising their good job.

Not even 5 minutes after Jen got to her dressing room, she heard a knock on the door. "I'm decent. Come on in." She called out. her voice still a bit emotional as she continued to sit at the makeup station, reapplying her own makeup. Her heart began to beat wildly as David walked in. Jen swallowed hard and without thinking licked her lips as she got up and turned so she was now face to face with him.

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