Aftermath and apologises

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A/N: Alright I might have more ideas for this story. Going to still figure it out as I go. Thanks for being patient with me while I write this ❤️

They spent the rest of the evening eating, sharing stories and laughs. As they were all leaving, David pulled on Jen's hand lightly, which made her look over at him. "Your place is on my way home. So I'll have my driver take us home." He insisted. Jen opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She just nodded gently and got in the back seat with him, sliding to the middle and put her seatbelt on.

The ride back to her place was a little quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. He took her hand in his and entwined their fingers, gently placing it on his lap. Then he started caressing her fingers with his thumb. She looked over at their hands, a soft smile formed on her lips as the familiarity of such a simple gesture brought back years of memories, along with butterflies.

"Thank you...for tonight, Schwimmer." She softly spoke. He looked over at her, then placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I would do anything for you, Aniston. I'm just glad you're not mad at our little plan. If you are, it was all Jason's idea. " He replied with a bit of a laugh, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He started staring at her lips for a few moments before he forced himself to look back into her eyes. She sighed happily and rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his torso feeling completely content and at ease as they were driven back to Jen's.

It was about 20 minutes later when they finally reached her place. David got out and walked her to her door. "Haven't had a guy walk me to my door in what feels like forever." Jen joked lightly. David chuckled and smiled sweetly at her. Then a thought dawned on him and he started blushing. "Is it weird to ask if I can kiss you?" He asked incredibly nervously. Jen began to blush as the words left his mouth, her heart pounded with excitement, her eyes lit up brighter than that sun.

"Not weird at all. I would almost be disappointed if you didn't." She quietly replied with a gentle head nod before inching closer to him, their lips meeting in a gentle, slow kiss. David's hands found her petite waist, while her arms wrapped gently around his neck. Jen's stomach began doing flips as she was relieved he didn't tense up this time, and that he was the one to initiate this kiss. They found themselves sinking deeper and deeper into the kiss, tongues delighting in the taste of each other, despite it tasting mostly like wine. Neither daring to break the moment.

When they eventually pulled away, their foreheads connected and they both smiled at each other. "So relieved you just took the feeling of Matt's lips off mine." Jen quipped. David tried to stifle a laugh, which failed. "Glad I could replace that for you! Might have been the tiniest bit jealous he got a kiss and I didn't, had to fix it. That and I just felt like it." He still had a grip on Jen's waist, he loosened it a little bit as he spoke a bit more seriously. "Hopefully that more than makes up for what happened last time. Jen, I want you to just hear me out for a minute or two. If that's alright?" he asked a bit hesitantly. She smiled brightly at his confession and nodded. "Should we take this inside, then? Bit more private." David shrugged but agreed before Jen unlocked her door and invited him inside. As he stepped behind her, his subconscious kicked in and he looked around quickly, only spotting a couple cars that were not heading towards their location, he sighed of relief and closed the door behind him.

Jen's NY place was on a much smaller scale than her LA home. Jen convinced the homeowner to let her and Drea rent both top and bottom levels, with Jen occupying the top level and Drea taking the bottom level when she was in town. Jen's space had a cozy modern interior to it. She approached the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, knowing she had more than enough alcohol for one night.

"Maybe we should just have this conversation tomorrow." David said, remembering she was tipsy and wanting to make sure she heard him clearly and as sober as she could be. She shook her head "No. I want to hear what you have to say. I promise, I might be tipsy, but I'm not on the verge of blacking out." She insisted, now more intrigued by the impending conversation."I just wanted you to know that I've kicked myself in the ass everyday since that kiss in September. I know we got over that hump, but I never properly apologized for how I responded. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry for calling you my best friend, cause you are. I do apologize for not following that up with you're much more than that to me, though. You were the one that got away all those years ago. The mere thought of losing you again in ANY WAY scares me."

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