The Blind Date Part 2

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"Alright, Reese I have about 20 minutes, unfortunately. I love you, but I have a dinner meeting soon that I've been waiting a while for." David announced as he fixed his tie in a mirror. Reese smiled "Sorry, I was trapped in meetings and now was the only time I could be free for tonight. I won't be that long. Jennifer wants to do more heartwarming, lovey dovey, sexual tension/relationship/potential hookup stuff for Alex in season 3. I can't imagine a man more perfect for the role than you." Reese announced, getting straight to the point.

David turned around and looked at Reese, his eyebrow cocked with amusement. "Jennifer Aniston's love interest? On something that's NOT our sitcom? I'm in. I'm not Ross, but I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about Ross and Rachel in some other genre of show, or even current day since everything is so different now with what's acceptable on TV. How that would differ from what we've done." He watched Reese step closer and she helped him fix his tie. "Thanks. Anyway, I'm totally in. Fans have waited this long for a new project with Jen and I. Guess they finally manifested it." David said, a soft smile forming on his face. "They sure have! I think ever since season 1 you were on the front of her mind when 'love interest for Alex Levy' would come up. Wasn't often, but she said she had the ideal man in mind for the role. Someone she hasn't worked with in a long time, but someone she trusts with her life. That narrowed it down for me, so I thought to come to you. Also I know tomorrows Saturday, but we might have a meeting to just go over story plot. Which is why I wanted to get to you tonight." Reese explained.

He and Jen, lovers on screen again. He smiled at the thought that Jen trusts him so much, then slightly cringed about the last time Jen kissed him and he felt uncomfortable by it. He should have just come out and voiced his trust but also worries about being hurt again, instead of referring to her as his best friend.

Sure, David didn't lie about that. She is his best friend, but she's so much more than that, and they both knew it. At least, he hoped she knew it. He came out of his thoughts when he heard Reese gasp loudly. "Is everything ok?" He asked, feeling concerned for his friend. Reese looked up at him, hand over her mouth. "Schwimmer... I don't know how to tell you this. You might need to sit down." She instructed. David suddenly felt his heart drop to his stomach as he did as he was told.

Then Reese passed him her phone.


I've been here for 10-15 minutes. The guys just got here and you will NEVER believe who my date is. 

The next text was a picture of Jen and Matt looking happy and cozied up.


Don't get me wrong, I love Matt. But Matt is more my brother than Schwimmy! He's like the giant teddy bear I want to protect. I wouldn't make out with him like I would with David...or more. Also I've had 2 glasses of wine and we're still waiting on one last couple. I didn't even know Matt was also in NYC. Think he said he got a couple of scripts/roles he was interested in going to audition for

David laughed loudly at the picture. Reese looked at him confused "Schwimmer! Why are you laughing?!" She asked, surprised by his reaction. David got up, gave Reese her phone back and hugged her. "That's my cue to go pick up Matt's real date and save Jen from thinking she's on a real date with Matt. Just don't tell her I'm her real date." David said with a wink. Reese's eyes widened, but her smile widened even more "I won't say a thing. You don't tell her I was here talking to you about this!" She said as they both headed to the door.

"You were never here. My cameras have no proof." He joked, pointing up at his camera. Reese smiled and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you for being the absolute best, Schwimmer." "For you girls? Anything, anytime, anywhere."

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