TOW chapter 4 was too long

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After breakfast was finished, The three were at the sink cleaning dishes, when they heard a buzz at the door. David turned around "That must be Zoë." The words echoed in Jen's ears for a moment before she came back down to earth and gulped. Cleo took notice of Jen's sudden mood shift and patted the woman's shoulder comfortingly. "Are you ok?" She asked. Jen nodded then looked like she started thinking about stuff.

"Ok, I might be the tiniest bit worried about your mom hating me." Jen finally admitted. Cleo shook her head, continuing to rub and pat Jen's shoulder and back. "Nah. She might not like you right now, but she'll warm up to you! You girls are practically the same person, just different nationalities." "Ok, so when the fuck were you going to tell me about you snogging Jennifer?!" They heard a British accent ask. Jen's eyes widened, she started shaking her hands, doing a little March back and forth in the kitchen. Cleo went over to where Jen now stood and gave her a big hug. "I don't know why I'm so freaked out, Cleo. I feel like I'm the other woman but they're not even together and I'm not 'official' with your dad!" Jen's voice was filled with anxiety, but she slightly felt herself calm down and hugged the child back.

"Look, Zoë I was going to tell you, but then Cleo was the first priority on Jen's mind this morning, and I genuinely agree it was a good idea. You're my ex-wife. Jen and I were both a little more concerned for Cleo's sake since she's a child. She's MY child. Besides, we've been divorced for 5 years now. They're not going to come after you. If they come close to her or you, I will make sure they pay for it. You don't hear me complain when it's your partners. I need to go out and live my life, too." They heard David explain. "Yeah, but in my defense, my partners are never as famous as your new girlfriend. My partners are never important enough to plaster around the internet! David, if they start harassing Cleo because of your girlfriend I swear-"

Jen frowned as she heard David defending them. She then nodded subtly and proceeded to walk toward the voices. "Your daughter is the last person I ever want to hurt." Jen interjected. Zoë whipped her head to her left to see Jen standing there, her eyes widening a bit, suddenly feeling like a lion who had to protect her cub. "Oh good she spent the night already! That's fucking wonderful!" Zoë scoffed.

"She got here 30 minutes ago, actually." Cleo said softly as she came out of the kitchen and walked toward her parents, noticing the sense of unease radiating from her mom. Jen held her breath, then took a couple steps forward. "Listen, Zoë, I know what Cleo is going through. Actually, I know a bit more than that, but at the same time I don't understand much. My father abandoned my mom and I when I was a young girl. I know I have a lot of... 'baggage' attached to my name, but I would never DREAM of making Cleo feel the pain I dealt with growing up. I would never and will never make David choose between me or his own child or take him away from her. I'm not that selfish or cold hearted. I'm also sorry if my nurturing side annoys you. I have a habit of going 'mom mode' making sure my friends and their kids are taken care of. I plan to protect Cleo with my life, whether you like it or not. The thought of ANYTHING bad happening to her absolutely destroys me." Jen stated, her eyes filling with tears as she felt this heavy weight suddenly on her shoulders, pushing her into some sort of emotional pit as she thought about her past, but she stood her ground and refused to break.

Zoë looked between the two adults for a moment. She didn't completely trust Jen, but she also had to admit defeat since she didn't know the woman either. "Alright, fine. Jennifer, I'm sorry. It's just...Cleo isn't exactly 'in the spotlight' so when I saw those photos, mother instincts kicked in, even though she wasn't directly involved. Seeing as you're one of the world's most famous names, I felt - and still feel - slightly wary and terrified for her safety. I really shouldn't since this IS Schwim. He wouldn't let just anyone come around Cleo if he sensed they were bad. Especially if they were his own girlfriend. He's known you for more or less 30 years. I tend to forget that."

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