Chapter 2: Ion Bleaker

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Ion Bleaker (pronounced Ian, as he always had to explain) is one of the smartest kids in school. So much so, that he's often called Beaker (yes after the Muppet), plus how his first name is spelled doesn't help. While he's good at science, his best subject by far is English. He had decided early on in life that he wanted to be a writer, share stories with the world.

     As you can probably guess, Ion would also fall under the category of being a nerd. Not that he minded such a label (although he preferred geek), in fact, he rarely let anything like that get to him. He wouldn't be considered unattractive, just gangly (6ft 2in tall), with shaggy brown hair and brown eyes. His wardrobe often consisted of some type of cargo pants (he loved having extra pockets), a pop culture related shirt, and either long sleeves underneath or some kind of flannel shirt over it, plus his large, wire framed glasses. Today he was wearing a Marvel related shirt.

He wasn't popular, but he rarely got messed with by anyone, plus he had a close group of friends he did things with. They enjoyed watching shitty movies to make fun of, plus they played various table top role playing games, with Ion usually coming up with the campaigns. Most campaigns were held on Saturday, but not till early evenings, so he had plenty of time to do a tutoring job.

     It was during sophomore year that Ion started tutoring other students, after several teachers recommend it and other classmates who were tutors said it was a great way to earn some extra money. His family was in the upper middle class category, but he liked idea of earning money. He even managed to save up enough money (plus some help from his parents) to get a used car that didn't have too many dents in it. It got him where he needed to go, which was all he cared about.

     On this particular Saturday, Ion would be tutoring none other than Delilah Gellar. He'd never spoken to her (not that he could recall anyway), but if was impossible not to notice her. She was confident in her looks, and rightfully so he thought. She could be a bit loud at school (not to mention had a mouth that could put sailors to shame), but he never saw her say or do anything malicious to anybody. He did always wonder why she went out with Chaz Freeman of all people. That guy was a class A douchebag, everyone thought so. The world of popularity was a strange one.

     "I wonder if she knows I'm the one tutoring her," he thought as he drove to her house. "Does she even know who I am? I mean, I'm far from the popular crowd, but it's not too big of a school that you wouldn't be familiar with almost everyone. Her English teacher, Mr. Fichner is the one who told me about her needing help. I talked to her mom a few days ago to decide what day to show up and the time. She seemed nice. At least I'll still have time to run a campaign tonight with Randy and the others."

     He parked in front of Delilah's house, which was an impressive size piece of property in a swanky neighborhood. As Ion got out of his car, he glanced up at the house with his mouth slightly opened.
     "Damn," he said out loud to himself. "Her family really is loaded."
     He grabbed his bag full of whatever supplies he thought were needed for this session, walked up to the front door and pushed the doorbell. He could hear some voices behind the door (he assumed Delilah and her mom), when the door opened to show that his assumption was correct. He noticed she was wearing a really cute outfit, it was hard not to notice. But before he could greet them, Delilah spoke first.

"No. Fucking. Way!" she exclaimed.
She then immediately slammed the door shut, leaving Ion outside.
"Well, this is off to a good start," he chuckled to himself.

NOTES: New chapter already! WOOT! Guess inspiration hit me like a ton of bricks! I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. Vote, share, and comment, would love to hear feedback.

Thanks for reading! ^__^

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