Chapter 20: Confession Time

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Ion and Delilah snuck into the school hallways, which thankfully had some lights on.
     "What the fuck was that in there!?" Delilah exclaimed.
"I think it's called a confession," Ion chuckled.
     "How can you just say that shit so casually?" she asked, panic still in her voice.
     "I don't know... it just felt right," he answered, also sounding nervous. "We were there on the dance floor. The music was soothing. You looked absolutely incredible..."
     "Why are you always saying such nice things to me?" she asked.

     "Because I love you!" Ion exclaimed. "Holy shit! I said it!"
     "You... you love me?" Delilah asked with confusion. "Holy shit!"
     "Yes... I do," he gulped. "I really and truly love you."
     "Since... s-since when?" she asked timidly.
"Well, I probably started liking you around our second tutoring session," he admitted.
"That early!?" she asked.
"I said like, not love," he clarified.
"So... when do you think you started... to l-love me?" she asked, again timidly.
     "When you first came to my house," he shrugged.
     "That's still pretty early!" she exclaimed. "Shit, that's when you first called us friends!"
     "I know," he said. "But, after how you watched me and the others do our D&D campaign, and then motivated them to fight, it was just all so... cute. Since then, you've been on my mind constantly."

"But... how?" Delilah asked.
"How what?" Ion asked.
"How can you love someone like me?" she asked timidly.
"What kind of question is that?" he asked. "You're funny, smart, beautiful, loyal to your friends, and kindhearted."
"But, there was the time you first came to my house," she timidly pointed out, looking at the floor. "I slammed the door in your face and called you a giant nerd. Then on the following Monday, I yelled at you for talking to me. But you still gave me that book. You've been nicer to me than I have to you."
"You were keeping your guard up," he retorted. "Like you said, high school sucks. You're part of a crowd that can easily turn on each other. Hell, basically everyone did turn on you after you kicked Chaz in the balls. At least those among the popular groups. My friends... scratch that... our friends thought you were amazing for doing that. I thought you were amazing. Sure, our first few interactions were a bit... awkward."
The two shared a laugh.
"But, it didn't take long at all for you to start opening up and being friendly," he continued. "I've seen you around school for years now, and you've never been intentionally mean to anyone. Rude maybe, but everyone can be rude, especially in high school. You may act snobby, but you don't actively go out of your way to hurt someone, like plenty here do. I wouldn't fall for someone like that."

"It's not fair," Delilah sighed, with hints of tears forming.
"What's not fair?" Ion asked.
"That you can just easily say all that sweet shit," she answered, tilting her head up to look him straight in the eyes. "It makes it fucking impossible to hate you! And... and I... I started feeling more things for you... after the first time I went to your house too."
"Really?" he asked with genuine surprise.
"Of course," she replied. "You invited me to your home without hesitation. Your family and friends instantly welcomed me. Apart from the kidnapping jokes, they didn't seem to find it all that weird that I was there."
     They both chuckled over his sister, dad, and even Randy making those stupid jokes.
"I had never felt so... comfortable," she continued. "My feelings only grew from there, despite my best efforts to deny them."
"Me too," he admitted. "Never crossed my mind you'd even be interested in me."
"If it's because of calling you a nerd," she groaned, punching the bridge of her nose.
"Nah, that's not it," he chuckled. "It's general geeky lack of self confidence. The fact that you're way out of my league..."

Ion was interrupted by Delilah placing her hands on the sides of his face.
"Jesus, Ion, you're not hideous," Delilah retorted. "You're one of the cutest boys at this school."
"I am?" Ion asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Bowen sure thinks so," she chuckled.
"Well, that's certainly flattering coming from him," he joined in on the chuckling.
"I'll admit, I thought he was crazy at first," she said blushing. "But... being around you so much lately... I now see what he means. Plus, you're so kind! You put up with my shit, and I know I haven't always been pleasant to be around. You've taken me as I am. And... and... ok, look... can I just kiss you now!?"
"Oh... um... sure!" he exclaimed. "If... if you want to..."

Delilah pulled Ion's face closer to her as their lips came together. It started as a simple peck on the lips, but then they opened their mouths a little more and it became far more romantic. Once they were done, they leaned foreheads on each other.
"Wow," chuckled Ion. "That was... nice."
"Yeah, it was," Delilah chuckled back. "Ion... I'm definitely glad you love me. Because... I love you."
"Really?" he asked with warm smile.
     "Yes," she smiled back. "Really and truly."
"Well, holy shit," he chuckled.
"I know," she chuckled. "It's the last thing I ever expected to happen. But I'm so glad it did."
"Me too," he nodded in agreement.
They then shared a quick kiss, smiling stupidly at each other when their lips parted.
"So, this makes you my girlfriend now, right?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.
"That's how this usually goes," she answered with a big smile.
"Wow. Delilah Gellar is my girlfriend," he smirked. "That's pretty cool."
"Damn straight it is," she retorted with a smug smile.

     "Oh my god, I think I'm gonna cry," Bowen said behind a door.
     Delilah and Ion immediately opened the door, shocked to see all their friends standing there.
     "Holy shit," groaned Ion, pinching the bridge of his nose.
     "What the fuck!? How long have you been here!?" Delilah asked, face palming.
     "Around you saying it's not fair," Mal chimed in. "We had no intention of ruining your moment, but this guy just had to get all emotional."
"My best friend just got herself a decent boyfriend," Bowen retorted. "I am only human!"
"Just don't barge in our first date," Delilah sighed.
"That's fair," Bowen nodded.
"You two should share another dance before it's over," Aldo chimed in.
"Aldo? Who's up on stage right now?" Ion asked.
"Relax, I got a few songs going in a row," Aldo shrugged. "A few minutes away from there isn't gonna do much."
"Well then," Ion began, grabbing Delilah's hand and lovingly smiling at her. "Let's go have one last dance."
"Ok," Delilah agreed, gripping Ion's hand back and retuning a loving smile. "Sounds great."

Notes: Another chapter so soon! Honestly, the previous chapter was already getting so long, that it felt right to split it. Hope y'all enjoy this development, as it was pretty obvious I was heading there.

Thanks for reading! ^__^

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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