Chapter 13: Friendship XP Gain

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Ion waited for his friends to decide whether they run away from the Umber Hulk, or attempt a fight.

"We fight!" Mal declared, slamming her fist on the table.
     "We fight!" the others declared, slamming their fists down solidarity.
"I would expect no less from this ragtag party!" Ion exclaimed.
Delilah sat there watching as they called out various terms she wasn't very familiar with (although some she was aware of, thanks in part to reading fantasy books). She recalled once hanging with Chaz and his friends as they played Fantasy Football, and they also seemed to be having tons of fun. She also recalled them making fun of D&D players, even though what they were doing was basically the same thing. They were pretending to have real life football players swap around different teams in fake game scenarios.

     "It's so fucking weird," she thought. "Before Beaker started tutoring me, I had this image of him being this sad, pathetic, socially awkward loner nerd. I mean, he is definitely a nerd (or geek, as he prefers), and he can definitely be awkward at times, but I guess that's true of everyone really. But, he's definitely not sad, pathetic (god, I hate myself for thinking that), or a loner! Hell, he actually has more friends than I do! Shit! Go figure! Not that I would trade Bowen for any amount of new friends, and neither would he! We were a package deal! Beaker and his friends clearly loved each other too, and would do anything for each other."

"Critical hit!" Ion declared, taking Delilah out of her thoughts. "You've defeated the Umber Hulk!"
     The party erupted in victory cheers, everyone either high-fiving or fist-bumping or some other gesture of camaraderie. Delilah couldn't help but smile wide at their excitement.

"And we must give special thanks to Lady Delilah!" Mal exclaimed.
    "Huh?" Delilah said confusedly. "I didn't do anything."
     "You gave us the motivation to fight," said Mal. "Well, the rest of these sorry bitches that is. I was ready from the get go."
    "Real nice, Mal," chuckled Randy. "But, seriously you were a major factor in our decision.
"Oh," replied Delilah, blushing slightly. "Glad I could help."
"Now we celebrate!" Mal declared some more.
"Don't you guys wanna get back to your game? Delish asked."
"Nay!" Mal exclaimed. "Tis not often we have such a fair maiden in our humble dungeon! Aside from yours truly of course!"
"Our dungeon?" Ion arched an eyebrow.
"My point stands," Mal retorted. "We should spend the rest of our time with our new friend."
"Fair enough," Ion shrugged.

"W-we're friends?" Delilah genuinely asked. "Never expected them to say that."
"Well duh!" Randy exclaimed. "You're friends with Beaker, therefore you're friends with the rest of us."
     "Oh," was all Delilah managed to say in response.
"So if anyone fucks with you, we'll fuck them up," said Mal with a wicked grin.
"Thanks," Delilah chuckled awkwardly. "Friends? We're friends? That doesn't sound wrong at all!"
"Now we must unleash the Behemoth!" Mal exclaimed.
"Excuse me?" Delilah asked, arching an eyebrow.

Ion suddenly sported a giant smirk, walked over to a door, opened it, and out popped the biggest cat Delilah had ever seen! It was all black, crazy fluffy, with yellow eyes, and it must've been around 3 feet long!

     Ion suddenly sported a giant smirk, walked over to a door, opened it, and out popped the biggest cat Delilah had ever seen! It was all black, crazy fluffy, with yellow eyes, and it must've been around 3 feet long!

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