Chapter 8: More Bonding

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It was another free period, with Bowen sitting across from Randy, hoping to get some new information. Randy was once again reading a comic book, this time not even bothering to make eye contact.

     "I want details now," Bowen said with a big smile.
     "Can't really help you out there," Randy shrugged. "Nothing's happened since we last spoke."
     "I'm calling bullshit on that," Bowen retorted. "Because Del told me he asked her if she liked reading and they had a whole convo about it."
     "Then you know as much as I do," said Randy. "That's more or less what he said to us at the last campaign."
     "Campaign?" Bowen asked.
     "Role playing," answered Randy.
     "Like D&D type shit?" Bowen asked.
     "Not like, that's exactly what it is," nodded Randy.
     "Guess I can see that," admitted Bowen. "Been playing it long?"
     "This particular campaign or just the overall game?" asked Randy. "If you mean campaign, a few weeks. Overall game, since grade school."
"Oh my god, that's effing adorable," chuckled Bowen.
"I know," Randy replied with a smirk.

Bowen was now curious about something else she and Ion talked about.
"So, knowing him that long," he began. "You'd be familiar with his previous girlfriends?"
"Yeah," replied Randy. "Be hard not to notice that."
"So he's really only had just the two?" Bowen asked.
"Why are you so curious about this?" Randy asked.
"Because I am just checking to make sure Beaker isn't some kind of player," Bowen answered. This statement caused Randy to look up at him.
     "You can't be fucking serious right now," Randy arched an eyebrow.
     "What? It's always the quiet ones they say," Bowen retorted, Randy shrugged. "And Beaker is a cutie! If he played for my team, I would so go after him in a heartbeat!"
     "I suppose that's fair," said Randy. "No, Beaker isn't a player. He gets a girlfriend, he's loyal. Hell, even if they break up, he'll stay on friendly terms if there weren't any hard feelings."
     "Sounds a bit too good to be true," said Bowen.
     "He's not perfect," retorted Randy. "But nobody is. I may not be as into this whole shipping thing as you, but I'll definitely say good things about Ion."
     "Not as into it, you say," Bowen smirked. "Meaning you have at least a little interest in seeing what happens?"
     "Look, if you think Delilah and Beaker could make a good couple, I won't try and stop it," replied Randy. "From what's he's told us, she's friendly, albeit a bit high strung."
"Oh god, you have know idea," groaned Bowen.


It was another Saturday, meaning Ion was tutoring Delilah at her house. At the moment, their session was interrupted by a video call from Chaz.
"Yo, Beaker!" Chaz exclaimed. "How's it going!?"
"Going fine," Ion awkwardly replied.
"Baby, we still on for Scotty's party tonight?" he asked Delilah.
"Yeah... sure," Delilah softly smiled.
"Beaker wanna join us?" Chaz asked with a wide grin. "Or does he got nerd shit to do tonight?"
"Chaz!" Delilah exclaimed. "That's rude!"
"No, he's right," Ion retorted with a mild chuckle. "I do indeed have nerd shit to do. Saturday nights I play games with my friends."
     "Cool! Check you later, babe!" Chaz exclaimed as he hung up.

     "Sorry about that," said Delilah with a bit of a groan. "Chaz can be such an idiot!"
     "It's fine, honest," Ion smirked. "No way I'd wanna go to some loud party anyway. Much rather spend it with my friends."
     "That does sound a bit better," she admitted.
     "But, hey, if you like parties, that's cool too," he fumbled to say. "I don't want her thinking I shame party people. To each their own after all."
     "No, no, I get what you're saying," she chuckled. "Honestly, the only good thing I find with those parties is having Bowen there."
     "Not Chaz?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Guessing he ignores her. Which I don't see how that's possible. It I had someone like Delilah... woah! You need to stop right there!"
     "Chaz will mostly spend time at those with his fellow jocks," she admitted. "Which, sure, I get. But... he also tends to overdo it on the drinking. Then he'll get way too grabby later on."
"Oh jeez, sounds awful," he groaned a bit. "I called that one."
"So awful," she sighed. "That's when we might have some big argument, because I won't... you know..."
"Oh," he realized, eyes going wide. "Yeah... I think I get what you mean..."
"Do you think it's weird that Chaz and I haven't... done that?" she asked with a mild blush. "Even after being together over 2 years?"
"I'm not exactly an expert on normal," he smirked. "I'm just glad to hear that oaf hasn't tried forcing himself. I hear him talking shit enough at school to worry. Delilah and I may not be close, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
"You know what I mean," she chuckled and rolled her eyes. "So many other girls at school seem to think it's weird that I'm with one of the hottest guys in school, but I haven't already fucked him!"

She then turned bright red, while Ion burst out laughing.
"Oh shit!" she exclaimed with a facepalm. "I can't believe I said it that way! I sound like a fucking idiot!"
"No way! I'd never think you were an idiot," he said, albeit with a slight chuckle. "Never thought I'd find a girl swearing so much this cute."
"But you think I'm weird?" she arched an eyebrow. "How could he not?"
"Dude, everyone's weird," he retorted. "Some just more than others. The social hierarchy is weird. Who's popular and who's a supposed loser. And then there's the whole double standard shit. Guys sleep sound and they're called players and praised for it. Girls sleep around and they get called all sorts of hateful shit. They also get shit for not putting out. It's a fucking trap."
"Oh god," she groaned. "I hear shit like that all the time from other girls."
"I bet it sucks," he pointed out.
"Fucking understatement," she sighed.
"So what if you and Chaz haven't bumped uglies," he shrugged, which made her chuckle. "You do what makes you comfortable. Not everyone sleeps with their first romantic partner. I certainly didn't."
"You only went out for like 2 months though," she pointed out. "I can't believe I remembered that!"
"Hey, you remembered," he grinned. "Sure, it was only 2 months. But I know people that hooked up within a day of becoming official."
"What about the girl you dated a whole school year?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why so I care about that?"
"Ok, there may have been a bit more than just kissing," he admitted. "But, we didn't make it to home run... if you catch my meaning."
    "Yes, I do," she nodded. "Why am I relieved to hear they didn't go all the way? I shouldn't give a shit if Beaker's fucked anyone before!"

     Again there was a bit of awkward silence.
     "We should probably get back to studying," said Ion. "That way you have time to get ready for that party."
     "Oh, yeah, sure," Delilah nodded. "I'd probably have more fun with Beaker and his friends. Holy shit! I must be fucking losing it!"

Notes: There's another chapter! Woot! Hope you guys like the scenes between Bowen and Randy, I think they have a fun dynamic. I also hope you enjoy the inner thoughts of Ion and Delilah. Instead of making Chaz a giant douche, I went more with a doofus who doesn't appreciate Delilah.

Thanks for reading! ^__^

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