Chapter 1

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Takemichi's eyes snapped open,shaking he quickly sat up.He could feel his pounding heart as he remembered his nightmare,no,it was more  a memory from the other timeline.

He couldn't seem to forget that moment,it wouldn't leave him alone even in his sleep,he thought rubbing his eyes carefully before stumbling to his bathroom.He avoided the mirror and brushed his teeth before styling his hair and leaving the house to nobody,as no one lived with him.

Takemichi's POV

'I rushed outside as i headed to toman's meeting place.I was just exited to see them act like them again,especially Draken,Mikey and Chifuyu.Though,running really hurt my legs,you see,most of my injuries don't fade as I change timelines.So I was still really sore,but i couldn't stop running.I knew this was my last chance and i'm determined that I can save everyone.This time I know I can do  it right.'

is what I would think if I was really the happy person they thought I was.

When I arrived there I quickly gave my usual big smile as I hugged all of them,but ended up hugging Draken and Mikey the longest subconsciously.They sighed but smiled ((god I missed that)) before starting their long speech about some kind of battle.Though,I zone out and end up not listening to anything.To be honest,the whole thing was kinda a bore but I would never admit that out loud.I guess I really enjoyed the scenery because it all ended rather quickly in my opinion.

When the speech was over,some of us decided to hang out,I was the one that suggested that idea and invited Hina.I wanted to keep a close eye on everyone and also it wouldn't hurt to find out.

End of POV

 Takemichi is a liar and a good one,so good that  he lies to himself.

Once everyone got ready and out of their  uniform ((not including Hinata)),they decided on going to the park.While that choice is rather childish,you got to remember that they were kids in middle school.Once everyone got there,they started there new adventures,not as a gang but as friends.The park was a local and close to everybody's house,so it was an ideal spot for them to hang out.During their time everyone was acting like themselves,which relieved Takemichi.

After about and hour or two,they decided to go to someone's home and everyone voted Takemichi's.That fact was quite obvious because everyone there visited at least once his house unlike the others.When he had accepted with a smile,they went and played puzzles,watch movies and  generally had a fun time,which was the goal.They had a blast and finally were acting their age and having fun.After the rather good movie was finished,Mikey was sleeping as he always did when he finished a meal or something in general. 

Takemichi was kinda sad that he couldn't tell him a goodbye but he didn't say anything.He was sure no one noticed his odd behavior because everyone started drawing on the other's face,at least everyone but Takemichi.'

Takemichi's POV

After the movie,everyone started to leave one by one.We haven't hung out like this in what seemed like forever,at least to me.The last person was Hina ,most likely because draken had to carry sleeping Mikey on his back and Chifuyu's mom called.Before she left she gave me a hug,which at first I was surprised but quickly hugged her back,then she left.

When she had left I quickly layed on my bed,still extremely sore ((which was my fault for not resting and moved a lot more then I should)).Before i could do anything else,I had already passed out happy from the amazing day we just had.

I just want to say thank you @106MMFL for the story idea!!

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