Chapter 4

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He was tired,extremely tired.

You would think being a time leaper fixed that but no,even though his scars,bruises and more weren't visible didn't mean he couldn't feel them.

Heck,it stayed exactly the same and he couldn't handle it anymore.

Before eventually falling,Takemichi gave her a sly smile,his legs wobbling. Hinata did not return the smile In fact,her face remained stone cold with a very worried glance.And most  were willing to bet that the expression held long after he had fainted.

There,she yelled like she got into a car crash,

She then quickly got her phone and before she could call an ambulance,Mikey and Draken were behind her,putting the poor boy's body horizontal on the flat surface before the girl called the hospital.

You might be wondering,why were the two gang members even there?

Well,let's go a bit back and help explain this.

Mikey's POV

Okay,I admit this might be a little creepy.

Or maybe a lot,who cares?

The only thing I care for is the well being of my friend,that's the only reason I bribed Draken so we can follow them.They weren't far ,so we caught up pretty quickly.Draken was keeping watch and he was completely silent,I normally loved this bad ass side of him but they're were more important things to concentrate on.

And before I knew it,something crashed right before my eyes,that thing was,


My eyes widened in shock and before I knew it,me and Draken ran to the both quickly  carrying the rather light Takemichi.The reason we put him flat on his back was to check if he had any injuries and if he was breathing okay.

The injuries were not that present,I mean other than the ones gotten from fights there was none.

Im not saying there are little to no injuries,heck there were plenty but nothing we haven't seen before ((exept for the bandaged arm)),which was rather good.

His breathing was stridor which wasn't good at all because I couldn't see the cause of it,which was kinda confusing.  ((Stridor occurs in people with an upper airway blockage. A blockage may occur if a person breathes in a foreign object, chemical, or other harmful substance. A traumatic neck or chest injury involving the upper airway could result in a blockage too.))

Im not doctor but without a cause,it was impossible for there to be  abnormal breathing sounds.

Ignoring that for the moment,I loosened his clothing and just like magic,the ambulance arrived.Because one person could go in the ambulance ((not including the hurt person)) I let Hina as me and Draken went home ((which was close by)) and grab our motorcycles to drive to the hospital.

I hate to admit it,but this was probably the most i've been worried for someone,and that said a lot.

End of POV

Hinata's POV

I was currently sitting in the passenger seat of the ambulance worried sick about Take's current state.Hell,from what I can hear from the doctors,they can't find any cause to why he fainted.

Sure they knew he was tired,but he had slept,even if he didn't really look it to much.

But his eyebags were barely there,which meant something.

Though,they did assume something about his injuries but that again was just dramatic.Sure his injuries were bad and there were plenty of em.But I know he hasn't fought someone in almost a  month so why would he faint now because of that??Even the doctors only considered it because of the lack of intel.

They said they were gonna have to wait until he can talk,maybe he knew something they didn't??

Soon enough,we arrived and they almost rushed him in one of the rooms as I waited impatiently.I was probably still in shock,so when Mikey and Draken came by my side,I almost flinched but sighed as I looked at them both.

What surprised me is that they didn't ask questions about how it happened or what were they doing,like they already knew.It was also weird how they came instantly but I didn't mind as the others seemed to really care for my childhood friend,as much a I did.Infact,I didn't know what to do with the other's body,so I was kinda glad the two of them knew what to do in this type of situation.

I almost looked up to them,but I remembered that they were still two idiots.Still they were idiots that cared for their friends and that was the most important thing.

"You can come see him now"

-Liar-Takemichi angstTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang