Chapter 2

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Your hand is so warm."

His eyes snapped open for the second time as his breathing was heavy.Another memory that continued to haunt him to this day.He rashly rubbed his eyes then looked at his hands before crying a bit.That memory would be able to kill him,he thought but quickly shaked his head before going to the bathroom,only brushing his teeth.

Even if he tried to forget he kept remembering the horrid memories of every single one of his friend's death.It was like the blood stained him permanently,like he could see it but no one else can.

That was the thing that destroyed him.

Yes,outside he was the bright and happy kid but that was all an act.

After all he's been through,could you really blame him?

To get himself away from any of those thoughts,he dug his nails into his skin,sobbing.He did that until he was capable of not,you know,remembering or just manipulated himself into thinking that.After quite a bit of tears and little blood,he stood up and went to the kitchen looking around for something to eat,as usual there was nothing.

Usual,you might ask?

Yes,because his parents were away and barely sent him money,he couldn't afford food.Especially because everyone ate it yesterday,but he was the one who told them to eat as much as they like.He sighed as he started bandaging his arm from the nail digging from earlier.If he had a choice,he would choose to live with toman so he could make sure they were okay.He felt vulnerable away from them,like anything could happen.

He would worry a lot and texted the others the most he can with his old and crappy ((broken)) phone.That made the others laugh about how he acts like everyone's mother as he laughed a long.Obviously that was fake,but if he didn't the others would think something was wrong.


Takemichi heard as he flinched hard,dropping the bandages that he finished wrapping around his arm.

The doorbell.

That only scared him,no one could be visiting,I mean today was the day where everyone relaxes or takes a break.He slowly walked by the door,grabbing a broom stick that was near by.You can tell just by looking at him that he was scared,who shouldn't be?

He then opened the door and-


the boy said as he dropped the broom and quickly smiled,but there was no hiding the fact that he looked different than his usual self he portrayed to others.He couldn't do anything about it though.

Hinata's POV

When Takemichi opened the door,you can tell right there something was up.His red puffy eyes that meant he was crying ((or maybe he had an infection who knows??)) bandages around his arm ((which I assume he had injured himself accidentally or hopefully not purposefully))his clear eye bags that  normally were not shown when hanging out,the fact he's has not changed his clothes from yesterday ((unless I had just woken him up and he passed out yesterday,but that's not likely because of the bandages)) and his messy hair that he hated showing anyone because it meant he wasn't ready.

In general,he looked horrible ((I mean he's still cute and all but you know  what I mean))

"hey Michi!!,I just wanted to know if you wanted to eat with me lunch out."

I said because I know me and the others kinda,raided his fridge and ate everything.

To be fair,there was not a lot of food because he said that his parents are going shopping for groceries tomorrow,which was kinda hard to believe.

"I would love to ,but I don't got any money right now and-"

He said before I interrupted him

"Michi,you know i'm glad to pay,just go get ready"

I said smiling before taking him to his room so he could get ready.I made sure to look and just as I thought,no groceries whatsoever.Then I pushed him into the bathroom so he could get read,like a good friend would do.Lately,Takemichi gots me worried about him,the fact he sacrificed all his food like that really shocked me,and he was just,off?Anyways,i'm especially worried because I know one of his secrets from some time now.

He had tried to commit suicide.

Well,he doesn't know that I know because he was unconscious at the time but that memory hurts me so much.I was visiting him when he did it,but he wouldn't answer the door.By then I was already worried but when I saw his body,I was scared.

I immediately called the police and everything else was something I couldn't be able to think about again.I don't know what he's going through and i want to be there for him.Though,I never told him it was me who found his body.


I heard Takemichi as he interrupted my thoughts

I smiled at him before taking him to a nearby cafe to eat breakfast

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