Chapter 9

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"I think I..

I think I should find a way to forgive myself.

For the mistakes I've made in the " past ".

I think that's the first step,right?


Do you agree?


If I could  act on revenge,why should I?

It was my fault and I deserve all the consequences

Though,before I actually pick,

I have a question.

Were you the one choosing the people that became time leapers?"

Takemichi asked as he refused to look the other in the eye.


I am the one controlling the time leaping abilities."

Takemichi looked down hearing the person say that.

He should have already known the answer considering it had teleported him into a black empty room but he didn't want to.He didn't want to imagine someone chose for him to get these powers that killed him inside.

"You had a choice"

The boy mumbled as he didn't look up

"So why did you choose..ME?"

He wanted to yell but he was hurting.

"Would you have preferred if I picked someone else?

I saved you and gave you a chance to have an interesting future.

But you ruined it,it was you.

Would you give up everything to save them?"

The person said calmly as though it did not even care.

The person knew what he did to save everyone so why would it be asking this?

"Yes,if they would be happy"

he forced out,it was like the thing was playing with him and he hated it.

"Even if it meant hurting them?"

Takemichi was shocked.

He didn't know what to say,he didn't want to hurt them not ever.

The thing must know that so why was it asking?

"If you gave up everything,including your life.

Many would be devastated,all your friends couldn't live without you."

It said almost manipulating the time leaper as he was hurting.

"If you gave up your life,you would be selfish."

It whispered close to him making his eyes widen.

"So after everything I've said,do you still want to kill yourself?"

it asked.

And the question sounded unreal.

Because you never hear anyone ever ask that question,in real life.

"I don't want you to do that,I can't let you do that."

The thing had turned to Hina,spoke like Hina.

Looking at it,it was Hina.

But it really wasn't.

"You want to leave me here alone?

You need to be here."

She covered her face while crying,something she always did because she did not want to seem weak in front of me.

"I'm sorry.

i'm sorry 

i'm sorry 

i'm sorry."

I paused suddenly understanding everything as the thing turned back to it's white blank figure.

"You see,the bad part is over.

So why don't you rest,rest with your friends.

You already finished your mission,you saved everyone"

The thing said slowly turning into a person, not two people.



The boy sobbed looking at both of his parents.

"You saved us,we can now go down and live with you.

So you cannot die,not yet."

His mother said.

Takemichi didn't understand.But his question was soon answered by his father.

"You see,

we did not die in a train accident.

Like you,instead of dying we got teleported here.

We were trapped and the only way to get out was for us,to deliver the burden of the power on our son,our only blood relative alive.

We had given you a lot of chances and hated seeing you so hurt,but we did not have a choice.You were gonna die and we couldn't let that happen."

He explained looking away,worried that they're son might hate them.

But he didn't.

He quickly stood up,his injury now healed as he hugged both of them.

"I want to live.!

I'll live.

Thank goodness,

thank god you didn't die.

I'm so happy"

He sobbed in his parents arms.

But did he really mean what he had said?

Will he live?

Is he happy?

No,of course not.

The trauma he had was extremely hurtful.

There's no way he could turn out fine because he said he would be.

But he didn't have all to much choice.

His parents had suddenly smiled as their son had made his choice.

They were now back,in front of Emma and Mikey's home.

But now,he held Hina in his arms.

It was like the whole situation did not happen.

But it did,his parents they were walking away now.

Takemichi teared up.

He could finally rest,right?

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