Chapter 5

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"you can come see him now"

A doctor said as all of them rushed to the room seeing Takemichi sitting up.Even though he was awake,the three couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"We did some tests and could not find the reasoning for him fainting,the injuries that were recent were not too bad,not enough to make him faint so we could only assume it was from his lack of eating as said in his medical record." 

The same doctor said as he left the three talk to his friend.

Sure,the time leaper was skinny but he had just eaten with them. Sure it wasn't loads,but he still ate something.They just couldn't see what was wrong with the boy,it was like all his injuries and such became invisible which was a case never seen before.With that reasoning,the doctors asked him to stay there for just a couple more days.

"Takemichi,you worried us sick please don't hide when you're feeling off" 

Hina said breaking the silence which was not completely surprising as she knew the other the longest. Mikey and Draken could only stare at the boy who was looking at him with the same smile as this morning,fake.

"I'm sorry,i'm fine you heard what the doctor said,i'm just hungry is all.They already gave me some food to keep me up as well"

He lied he knew damn well what the reasoning was,lack of blood was the most probable.Like said before,when he goes back to the past the injuries turn invisible but they're still there.Heck,he had even got shot,had a full body cast,stabbed his hand,he almost injured himself in any way possible to save everyone.Yet he failed every single time.He was tired,tired of trying and tired of life.Though he knew everyone was counting on him.

He was the only one who could save everyone.

The three friends looked at each other thinking the same thing,they knew it couldn't be food but they were not gonna pressure the boy into telling them the truth.

Before long,visiting time was over and they all said they're goodbyes to the boy.

Draken's POV

He was not okay.

It was painfully obvious,hell even Mikey seemed to figure that out and he was rather childish.

I appreciate Takemichi,he had saved me  when I had almost died,so seeing him like this hurt me.I was not the closest to the boy because I was cold to him at first unlike Mikey,but he's grown to me and I respect him.

He saved my life so I would gladly put my life on the line for him.

Like any of his friends would,he was the sunshine to our lives.The one who made the fighting awesome.When he had gotten better at fighting I always was proud of him,because I,like Mikey was always scared he couldn't defend himself entirely all the time.

Though i've done all I can do.

If he didn't want to tell us what was wrong we can't force him,we can only be by his side because that's what he always did when we weren't feeling it.

Before leaving the hospital I quickly got a phone call from a worried Emma,Mikey still next to me I answered.After telling her what happened I looked at Mikey who was down as well.

"Im on my way Emma"

And i declined as I held the other boy on my back so he could fall asleep as I walked to Emma and mikey's place,Hinata following


Emma's POV

I had just heard the news of the boy who had fallen.

I was kinda disappointed that I was the last to know because I cared about the other,even if i should have known when Mikey and Draken came and rode their bikes to some unknown area.

Sure,the way I met the boy was rather akward,but he had protected and took care of both Mikey and Draken and I respect him for that.Even after the first meeting it was not too bad considering he had a girlfriend that he loved and she loved him and I had a crush.

Sure,it didn't seem like that when I had seduced Takemichi,but i've liked Draken,my brother's best friend for a while.  

Before long Mikey,Hinata and Draken had came all together.Though Mikey was the first to come hug me.Of course he was my brother and cared for me a lot so I hugged him back.

"Emma,your body,it's cold"

Mikey said as he continued to hug me.

"Of course it is,I was waiting for you guys outside for a while you know.

I huffed before looking at Draken with a slight blush on my face that Mikey seemed to notice.

"He likes you too,you guys love each other so tell him yourself."

He whispered to me as my face turned red pushing him away.

"Just please tell me Takemichi is okay"

I said quickly changing the subject.


As the friends discussed Hina kept quiet remembering the time the boy had commited.

She wanted to be by his side she did not want to feel the pain of almost losing him again.She knew he was not okay but could not just confront him with it and she couldn't just tell the others.This was something she had to do,she had to take care of Takemichi,like evreyone else has to do.

She knew how the other lived and she wanted him to be happy

She then smiled saying goodbye to the others as she went outside to catch a breather in a car ((that was her families car)) because of the cold.Emma was right if she stayed to long her body would be cold aswell.Before long she had heard something behind her but when she looked back,lights blinded her from seeing what was there.


Hey guys!!

I know this isn't the original plot,I decided to change it a little,hope you guys understand though some elements will be the same!!

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