Chapter 4

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They make their way to the mall entrance. Entering in the open concept mall, three floors of patrons, it's a busy weekend as all the kids were out of school, the area is bustling with groups of friends all hanging out with one another interacting, laughing,amused at each others company. 

Chance and Taylor are there looking out on everything and everyone, Taylor always felt like everyone was staring at him, like he was different than the rest. Chance always had eyes on him. He was popular, people liked him, he was confident, and he wasn't scared to present himself in the way either. Taylor didn't like the feeling, it was one of the many reasons he chose to stay to himself. To stay quiet, he felt if he enclosed himself in a bubble no one would know he was there, he wouldn't exist. He could only be open with one person and that was Chance, so when Chance was with him he didn't mind being more talkative and more expressive. 

"So we got four hours where do you want to go first?" Chance asked Taylor.

"Uh, well I guess- American Eagle. Get your stuff out of the way!" Taylor expressed. "You know since you're quick with fashion, you know how to put something together quick and it always looks good." Taylor shrugged a smirk spreading his face.

"Eh, I mean I guess you're right about that, and you overestimate my ability with fashion. It takes time you know." Chance insists. 

"I once spent the night with you when we were going to some fancy dining place-" Taylor starts

"Oh I remember that night, we went to Anastasia's!" Chance says.

"Yeah there. I was worrying about an outfit for two days, because you and your parents always look so put together everywhere you go and I always looked like the last time I shopped was at a thrift store and I was given 5 dollars. You threw something together for yourself not 10 minutes before we left after you got out the shower." Taylor making his point. At that same time remembering Chance in that moment, where he walked into his room nothing but a towel. 

Chance and Taylor had known each other since they were kids. His mom and Taylor's mom were friends back in high school, but as soon as Taylor's mom had met this guy David, things in their lives went downhill. David was an alcoholic, he abused Taylor's mom, but he paid their bills and Taylor's mom always felt like she had to stay. She felt trapped. Chance's mom hung onto the friendship as long as she could, but eventually David made it to the point Taylor's mom could never leave the house. This would lead to her doing drugs. Taylor spent a lot of his childhood at Chance's house because of this, getting close with Chance's mom. He felt so safe with her, that he had came out to her, and she promised not to tell anyone. Not even Chance knew. Taylor hid it pretty well, he was always scared because of his life at his real home, that the wrong words, in the wrong tone, or acting a certain way, would lead to him getting hurt. That's why he hid. He didn't express himself to anyone, but Chance and his family. So in that case Chance himself always felt safe around Taylor too, they had grown so close that Chance would just treat him like his family. Even if that meant walking around in nothing, but a towel. 

"Okay you might be right in that case, but still I'm not that good." Chance said being as humble as he could. Shrugging his shoulders with a smile. 

This caused a roll of the eye from Taylor. "Sure- Well here we are, go work your magic Chance." Gesturing to the door to American Eagle.

"It's not magic, it's skill. C'mon let's go" Chance says in his confident tone, grabbing Taylor via the wrist and dragging him in.

They would look around for a little while, and by look around, it meant that Chance would look at everything as Taylor towed behind, throwing in opinions if he was asked, eventually Chance had narrowed it down to three options.

"Alright so here's option one" Chance says walking out of the changing room, in white wash ripped skinny jeans that accentuated his thighs and the muscle they had on them. His classic white converse that he wore all the time, still in perfect condition. A matte black tee, with the AE symbol on them, that fit tight on Chance, showing the light tone of his body. To top it all off was the standard chain Chance wore, that was real gold, and a ring on his middle finger of his right hand. 

"Pretty simple, but I like it." Taylor says. Not sure what else to say.

"Yeah you're right, hold on." Chance turns around taking the pants and shirt off as Taylor hadn't closed the curtain all the way Taylor getting a glimpse of Chance in just his underwear, turning away. 

"Oh shit" Chance laughs. "Didn't mean to leave that open, can't be giving the view away for free." Chance jokes, not noticing his childhood best friend blush as he closed the curtain. He changed into the second option, but they both were not feeling it, so he changed to the third. Walking out Chace had a flannel, that was baggy, but not over doing it, outfitted in a dark purple and black. A white shirt with trees that were tropical on the front with shades of purple and orange going on in the center. Black skinny jeans with rips all over. None other than the classic Chance accessories. "So?"

"That's the one." Taylor nods giving approval.

"I knew you would like it!" Chance says.

"Yup, now me?" Taylor suggests, as Chance heads to the counter buying the clothes.

They head to a few stores, picking separate items for each. Taylor was just letting Chance pick everything out, he hated making decisions. He insisted on buying his own stuff, but Chance wouldn't allow it always claiming. "C'mon man your birthday is soon." Taylor always knew there was no purpose arguing with Chance, because he would always win in the end. 

"Hey I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Chance says heading off.

"Wait but-" By the time the words came out Chance was gone. "I guess I'll just wait then." Taylor mutters to himself.

Chance lied to Taylor. He wasn't going to the bathroom, he was heading to the Vans store. He was getting Taylor a gift that he knew he'd love. Taylor meant a lot to Chance. Even in everything Taylor went through, Taylor always listened to what Chance felt was just his rich boy problems, and he never guilt tripped him for it. He always listens to every word, he hears every word Chance says, and always puts input that helps Chance in the end. Taylor was a good friend to him. Chance also knew that Taylors mom and husband always forgot about his birthday every year. Every year was the same story. Taylor would go home expecting for just one day to be normal, to be remembered just one day. That wasn't reality though, Taylor would go home, seeing his mother with a fresh black eye, or David passed out drunk in a chair with beer and liquor surrounding him. This was Taylor's eighteenth birthday. He wanted him to feel truly remembered. Chance's parents had something special planned, but they wouldn't tell Chance about it. Chance felt with this life he's been gifted, he could share it to his best friend, make him feel like life is normal, and everything is okay. Even it meant just for a day, it's the least he could do he felt. 

A:N/// Okay, so here we go I'm continuing the story guys!!! Let me know your intrusive thoughts lol enjoy!!! 

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