Chapter 3

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*Chance closes the door, turning around, smile spread across his face, looking at Taylor*

We gotta get ready! Chance smiles excitedly.

For...? Taylor arches his brow confused

I didn't tell you? Chance asks shocked.

Obviously not. Taylor giggles.

Well.... Chance walks slowly stopping behind Taylor.

Yes? Taylor turns around on his heel, shaking his head and smiling.

Guess who got us tickets to Twenty One-Pilots tonight? Chance smirks.

NO.....FUCKING.....WAY! Taylor's mouth widens in shock

Mhm.... Chance nods.

There's more? Taylor smiles

It starts with a V.... Chance smirks.

AHHHHH! Taylor screams.

I know right! Chance giggles.

Why me though? Taylor smiles ecstatically

You're my your birthday was coming up. Chance smiles.

You remembered? Taylor giggles.

Mhm....I love you. Chance smiles.

Really? Taylor lightly blushes.

Of course! Chance hugs Taylor. You're my best-friend remember?

Oh yeah! Taylor smiles, thinking about what he would rather be called, his boyfriend.

So what are you gonna wear? Chance smiles, removing himself from the hug.

I- don't know. Taylor expresses worried.

Do you want to go to the mall then? Chance giggles.

How long do we have? Taylor's eyes widen in worry.

About... Chance looks at his watch. Six hours! Chance smiles re-reassuringly.

Phew! Then yes! Taylor smiles.

Alright! Here's the keys! Chance hands Taylor the keys to the car. I've got to get my wallet.  Chance smiles.

*Taylor takes the keys and walks out the door to Chance's car a smile spread across his face the entire time, he then gets in and starts the red Camaro.*

Chance gets in and closes the door behind himself. You ready? Chance asks smirking and revs the engine.

You do that every time you ask that question. Taylor rolls his eyes giggling.

I thought it seemed cool. Chance giggles back.

It was.... The first time. Taylor laughs.

Oh... Chance begins driving out the driveway. Which store are we heading to first? Chance looks over.

You're the one who's good with fashion, I just want something from Hot Topic. Taylor expresses.

You want a pair of Vans don't you? Chance giggles.

How? Taylor looks over asking shocked.

I know you Tay! Chance smiles.

Then yes, if it's not too much. Taylor smiles gently.

You know it's not too much. Chance laughs.

True. Taylor looks out the window.

Also, you're gonna help me put something together to wear.

But, you look good in what you have on. Taylor smiles placing his hand out the window, feeling the breeze blow against him.

It's not good enough, considering we'll be backstage. Chance smirks.

B-b-backstage....also? Taylor studders looking at Chance.

I forgot didn't I? Chance giggles.

How did you forget to include that? Taylor rolls his eyes.

To be honest...I don't really know actually. Chance laughs.

Do you have any idea what you're gonna wear? Taylor asks.

Nope. Chance giggles popping the 'p'

Oh god! Taylor shakes his head. You picked the wrong friend to bring when it comes to fashion. Taylor giggles.

Nah, you're the perfect choice! Chance smiles.

Thanks. Taylor blushes.

So, should I like go to American Eagle or something? Chance suggest.

We'll figure it out once we're shopping. Taylor smiles.

Okay! I was thinking of maybe getting a leather jacket. Chance says as he parks the car.

We'll see! But first, we get an outfit for me, the person who can't look decent for his life. Taylor smiles. Let's go!

Chance rolls his eyes. You look good in everything Tay, but okay!

*They get out of the car and start walking to the entrance doors of the mall*

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