Chapter 7

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"So here's my thing Tay, I wanna look hot at this party. So I'm thinking you know to get all the babes I do something shirtless-" Chance begins explaining to Taylor as he stares at his phone. Taylor rolls his eyes.

"Are you serious?" Taylor says.

"Yeah duh, girls love when I'm shirtless-" Chance re-iterates.

"Huh? What are you talking about Chance?" Taylor asks his best friend confused, as he's been zoned out for some time now. Looking up seeing Chance in one of his 'possible' outfits.

"Have you not been listening?" Chance says throwing his arms up. "Really dude, I don't know what's going on with you since the concert. You seem distant-" Chance notices him typing on his phone furiously. "Wait a minute- I see what's happening here. You found yourself a-" He begins trying to catch on.

"Uh what. No. Definitely not!" Taylor says with a blush, although he was intrigued in the guy and Chance was right he had been texting him, but Chance was wrong in multiple ways. For one, Taylor liked having someone to talk to, that understood what it's like. Secondly, Taylor didn't like the guy. Thirdly, Chance was about to say girlfriend, in which he most definitely did not want. Finally, and most importantly, Taylor didn't like the guy like that. He liked Chance, but Chance could never know.

"Dude I get it! I'm proud of you." Chance gives him a high five.

"I don't have a girlfriend Chance, and why are you proud of me? All I'm doing is texting someone." Taylor says with the roll of his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"I'm proud of you, because you're finally putting yourself out there. Soon, you'll be leaving me behind and I'll be nobody in your life, because you will realize just how cool you are how you don't need me." Chance says with a pouty face screwing with Taylor.

"Fuck you dude!" He laughs, shaking his head. "It sounds like you're jealous." Taylor mocks wearing a pouty face.

"Bull to the shit! I'm Chance motherfucking Hargrove, I do not get jealous. Matter of fact, people get jealous of me. Total babe magnet, total and top tier attraction. Smart, sexy, confident, and I'm the handsome devil Chance." He says in a cocky flashing a smile, trotting around the room in a Ric Flair sort of way.

"Oh my god get over yourself" Taylor laughs.

"Woo!" Chance Shouts loudly, letting out his inner Ric Flair. He rushes over to Taylor, wrestling him on the bed before Taylor fights back, causing the two to fall to the ground. Taylor rolls on top of Chance-

"Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! Get off of him Taylor do something quick!" Taylor thought to himself, a smirk appearing on his face. He stands up. "You don't wanna mess with the great one brother!" Taylor gloats, imitating the great Hulk Hogan, doing flexes and poses overtop of Chance.

Chance and Taylor laugh at each others impressions, but Chance catches Taylor off guard tackling him to the ground. Screaming the signature "Woo!" moving on to do the Ric Flair walk. Taylor laughs at this. This moment with him, reminding him of why he looked at Chance the way he does. His confidence, his way of just bringing a smile to his face. Chance begins to do the movements to put Taylor into the figure four, but before he can, Taylor taps. "I quit!"

"Already? I was just getting started." Chance smiles. "But a wins a win." He puts out his hand for Taylor. "Remember when we were kids, and we would set up the floats in the pool, and you swore to everything that you were Jeff Hardy?" Chance ignites the memory.

"Yeah, and you always liked being Edge. I remember." Taylor replies.

The two keep sharing memories. For about a hour.

"Okay, but seriously, I gotta figure out my costume for this party." Chance says.

"Just be a greek god the girls always fall for you when you do that." Taylor replies.

"Yeah, but I've done that before." Chance complains shaking his head.

"Is it broken?" Taylor asks.

"No." Chance replies.

"Then why fix it?" Taylor gives him the look of you know I'm right.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Well what about you?" Chance turns to Taylor.

"Something loose-" Taylor starts.

"Nope! We're getting you laid Halloween night, absolutely not." Chance says.

"We-We are?" Taylor asks in shock.

"Dude. You got a nice body, girls would kill to get with you, I don't know why you don't ever show yourself off." Chance begins.

"It's not my style. Maybe I don't want to get laid Chance-" Taylor repressing himself. He always went to the gym with Chance, he wasn't ripped or anything, but he had a decent body, one that could get him some girls, but that's not who he wanted. The thought of Chance wanting his friend to have some extreme fun like that was nice, but it sucked that Chance couldn't tell that he didn't want girls. The words from Chance's mother rang through him, along with the guy he met at the concert. He's gotta know eventually. When was he supposed to tell his best friend though, but the only way to get him to back off for now was to agree to something 'sexy' for the party. "Fine. We'll do something out of my comfort zone. Noting too crazy though Chance!" He eyes Chance, who at the moment has the biggest smirk on his face. "Oh god what did I get myself into?" He asks aloud.

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