Chapter 8

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Chance and Taylor head to a halloween store near them.

"Seriously we're not gonna make me like a slutty nurse or anything right?" Taylor begs hoping for a no.

"I mean I wasn't thinking nurse-" Laughing out loud.

"No, no, no what are you thinking in that brain of yours Chance?" Taylor asks.

"I'm thinking a slutty pirate." Chance cocks a brow.

"No." Taylor says in a cold serious demeanor.

"I'm kidding, no we're not gonna do anything quote on quote slutty" He says, pulling into a parking spot. "We'll see what we can find-" He says with the signature smile before turning his car off, opening the door.

"Right." Taylor says unsure of Chance's intentions of finding him a costume. Following his best friend into the halloween store. They are greeted by a giant blow up Jack Skellington. This brings a smile to Taylors face, his favorite holiday of them all was in fact halloween, and as a kid the nightmare before Christmas was one of his first introductions to a more halloween esc movie, since the time he had then found a love for slashers and horrors. HIs favorite of all being the classic Halloween. This love for halloween type projects led to his love of more music on the metal side, especially loving Ice Nine Kills, loving the way they incorporated so much horror references into their music. It was always nice seeing Jack Skellington as it reminded him of being a kid again, where nothing worried him.

"Follow me Tay" Chance yelped.

"Will do." Taylor replied following his friend.

"You love Jack Skellington right?" Chance asks trying to remember if Taylor still has love for the iconic character.

"Duh, he's only the entire reason I have the love for Halloween that I do!" Taylor says in a mocking tone, as if the information couldn't be any more obvious.

"Well what if you dress as him, but the suit be torn to shreds in like the ab and chest regions, same with the pant portion, ripping at like the side thigh, and on your right knee." Chance suggests.

Taylor's eyes go wide. It actually wasn't a bad idea. "Well what about the face?" Taylor asks, Chance rubs his temple for a moment.

"I'll do the make-up!" He smiles liking his idea. Taylor seemed unsure of this notion and Chance could tell. "I promise it won't be bad." He says with a wink.

"Okay I'd be down, but are we going to put paint on my body too, cause I don't know how I feel about people seeing the skin unless its covered." Taylor explains.

"Totally, although I don't think any of the clothes will matter if the night goes like it should for you." He says with a smirk. Taylor rolls his eyes at this remark, giggling. The two friends head back to Chance's house, Chance taking a shower preparing to go to sleep. So, Taylor text his new friend Dante explaining how Chance thinks he can get Taylor laid.

"Dude you gotta tell him LOL" Dante says in response.

"IK, but like. I don't know how he'll react yk?"

"If he loves you as much as u think he does then he'll react just fine man"

"I mean yeah maybe, but do u wanna see me in the costume? ;)"

"You said he went for something more "Sexy" in ur standards right?"


"Then yeah, even tho ur already cute ;)"

"Stop it im not cute like that :)"

"I beg to differ."

Dante waits a few minutes waiting for a picture of Taylor in this costume. Taylor sends it, his abs showing along with his right peck.

"So?" Taylor asks.



"oh I thought we were playing smash or pass halloween edition lol ;)"

"lmao shut up! really tho?"

"yeah ur cute asf bro I don't know how u don't see it"

at this text Chance walks in the room seeing Taylor in the costume he had made for the first time. Taylor was caught off guard, leaving Dante on read for the moment.

"Woah." Chance says.

"What?" Taylor asks shyly feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's hot" Chance laughs. "You're definitely gonna get laid." Chance says confidently followed with yet another giggle.

Taylor goes to get changed out of his outfit, not realizing he left his phone, which gets a notification. Chance checks the phone seeing a message from someone named Dante, intrigued he unlocks the phone.

"Hey I don't know why you left me on read, but I'm guessing u got uncomfy with me calling u cute and im sorry, or maybe im just overreacting. but fr I def wanna get to know u better, hmu if ur ever free. and Chance did a good job with the outfit, too bad he doesn't know that its not girls u wanna hook up with its guys lol anyways ttyl :)"

Reading this text Chance was left in utter shock, mouth agape, blinking furiously.

"Taylor's gay?" He asks himself. "Oh my god. No wonder- no wonder he was always uncomfortable when I would try to get him with girls. How did I not know. Damn. But why didn't he tell me? Is he scared of how I'd react? He's my best friend, I always thought he knew he could tell me anything and I'd love him no matter what. What do I do now? Do I just wait for him to come out to me?" Thoughts racing through Chance's head, when Taylor walks through the room, and Taylors phone was in Chance's hand. Chance still in shock looking up to Taylor.

"Why do you have my phone, and why is it unlocked? Have you been going through my phone?" Taylor asks anger rising to his face.

"I can explain-"

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