Chapter 1

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*School bell rings*

Alright class, have a great fall break! Oh, Chance and Taylor can I talk to you before you go? Mrs. Ruttman asked softly.

*they both nod, sitting back in their chairs*

Thank you! She smiles.

Mrs. Ruttman did we do something wrong? Taylor asks nervously.

Of course not! Actually, you both are doing everything right, for the past four years! She exclaims

*Taylor and Chance look at each other confused*

T-T-Then why are we here? Taylor ask.

Because, you two are the smartest students in the school, and I was wondering if either of you or both would be interested in possibly competing in an academic decathlon with our school? She ask smiling.

I'm down! Chance exclaims.

I-I don't know. Taylor frowns looking down twiddling his fingers

That's okay Taylor! Can you promise to consider it over break at least? Mrs. Ruttman asks softly.

Don't worry Mrs. Ruttman, he'll be doing it! Chance jumps in. I'll make sure of it. He smiles brightly.

And- Taylor starts.

You're doing it Tay! Chance smiles.

He doesn't have to- Mrs. Ruttman starts.

Yes he does! It'll look good on his college application. Chance smiles at Taylor.

T-That's true! Taylor smiles picking his head up. Mrs. Ruttman I'd love to do it!

Really? This is gonna be fantastic! We may even get our first win with you two in the chairs! She smiles bright.

Not may- Chance begins

We will! Taylor finishes.

*they both laugh*

Confidence is important, but don't be too sure yet. Mrs. Ruttman informs.

Mrs. Ruttman, we never lose. Chance smiles reassuringly.

Well then, practice starts the Friday after break! She smiles.

*Chance and Taylor get up and leave*

I can't believe you're making me do this Chance! Taylor laughs.

Making? From what I remember you said yes! Chance giggles.

True. Taylor laughs.

So what are you doing for break? Chance ask.

Sitting at home. Taylor's laugh fades to a frown.

You don't have to....

What do you mean? Taylor tilts his head looking at Chance

I'll be having a Halloween party.... Chance begins

No! Taylor interrupts.

Why not? Chance ask jumping in front of Taylor.

I hate parties!

Please? Chance quivers his bottom lip giving puppy dog eyes.

No. Taylor snarks

For me? Chance begs.

If I get bored can I go to your room and sleep? Taylor relents.

Of Course! Chance smiles his bright pearly whites again

Fine, costume party? Taylor sighs.

Yup! Chance giggles.

I'm only doing this for you. Taylor huffs.

You're gonna have fun....Trust me. Chance winks.

Don't make me change my answer.

Sorry! Chance laughs.

Can I come to your house tonight? Taylor looks off frowning.

They--- Chance begins.

Yeah. Taylor sighs.

Of course you can, my parents won't be home though.

Fun! Taylor laughs.

You ready to go? Chance asks.

Yeah! Taylor smiles at Chance as they walk down the halls, heading for the doors leading to where Chance's car is parked.

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