Chapter 5

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"Taylor Oh my god is that you?" A female voice asks, Taylor looks up seeing a girl from Chance's past. Taylor and her always got a long for the most part, but she had dated Chance. They broke up about a year ago when they were all juniors in school.

"Hey Sabrina!" Taylor says quietly, trying to say it in a positive tone.

"How have you been and what are you doing here all by yourself?" She asks.

"I'm here with Chance. We're shopping because we're about to go see a concert." Taylor says softly, looking around, hoping Chance will appear so he doesn't have to talk anymore.

"Oh that's fun! Who are y'all going to see?" She asks excitedly.

"Twenty One Pilots." He replies, stuttering. He was getting anxious.

"That sounds like so much fun! Well tell Chance I said, if he ever wants to finally stop being a bitch and be a real man. I'll be at the party." She winks, laughing with her friends, instantly beginning to text someone, rapidly typing. Taylor thought to himself about how her and her crew were probably talking about how weird he was, and why would Chance of all people hang around him. He was getting in his head like he did all the time. "C'mon Chance where are you?" He whispered to himself his right knee shaking. An uncomfortable look on his face. Sabrina only spoke to him, to get to Chance. No one would ever speak to him unless it was for Chance. He didn't know how to make friends. He was so alone in this world, and not even Chance could fill or understand that void he had.

"Hi what can I do for you handsome?" The Vans cashier asked.

"I'm here to pick up for Chance a custom pair of vans." He smiled. He was used to everyone calling him handsome everywhere he went, but it flew over his head, they were all just false compliments people use to get close to him so he never really listened to them even though they were always kind.

"Ah yes, the size nine's with the Scarlett rose's all around it right?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah that's the pair pretty sick right? I got them for my friend."

She bat her eyes. "Man I wished I had a friend like that. These are sick. She must mean a lot to you." She assumed.

"Oh no, it's for my best friend. He's been there for me my whole life. It's his eighteenth birthday soon and my parents and I band together to try and give him the best birthday ever. I'm taking him to a concert tonight actually." He explained.

She nodded to this response. "Right, well I hope he enjoys the gift." A smile across her face handing him the bag. As he left she whispered to the girl she was training beside her. "There's no way that 'just a friend' gets a gift like that." They both laughed.

Taylor had got a text from Chance.

"Hey sorry got lost, meet me at the car :)"

Taylor sent a thumbs up and headed to the car.

Chance was waiting at his Camaro leaning against the hood. "What took you so long slow poke?"

This got him nothing but a blank stare from Taylor.

"Lighten up. Anyways, we're running late so I'm gonna change here, and I know you would never dare to do that, so you're gonna change in the car. If that's okay with you." Chance explained.

"I don't have a choice now do I?" Taylor joked.

"No I guess not." Chance smiled, taking his shirt off and putting on the new one he bought along with the flannel. He then pulled his jeans off replacing them with the others. Taylor tried not to look, but it was hard to ignore the boy just stripping and changing in front of him. "Hey can you hand me the back up cologne I have in my glove box Tay?" Chance asks pointing as he ties his shoes.

"Yeah I got it." Taylor opens the door and sees a bag with the Vans label across it. "Hey Chance what's this?" Taylor asks suspiciously grabbing the cologne and bag at the same time, presenting them to Chance.

"Oops I must have forgot I bought you some shoes. My bad." Chance laughs gesturing for him to open the bag and box.

"Chance you really didn't have to-" Taylor whines.

"I don't want to hear it. You're my best friend Tay, this is a big birthday coming up for you. I insist, and I've already paid and this pair in particular is Non-Refundable." He smirks throwing his hands up.

"Oh god what did you do?" Taylor opens the box revealing the custom designed shoes. It was a sketch of Taylor's that he had made. Scarlett roses connected by vines in moonlight with shades of purple and red all clashing together. With his initials on the heel signifying it was his design. His mouth opens to say something.

"You always talked about how you wanted to put this design on a pair of Vans and you were just going to draw it on yourself. Although that's a great idea. If you messed up you would waste a pair of shoes and since you're such a perfectionist I know you would throw them away or just not use them. So I got it made for you. I did this for you Taylor, cause you deserve it. You're the best friend everyone wishes they had. Happy early birthday!" Chance says sympathetically, giving Taylor a hug. "You should wear them tonight." He says with a smile.

"This is so sweet Chance." Taylor says softly. "Let's go we're gonna be late!" Looking at his watch they head off.

"You-" Chance starts.

"Oh my god don't say it-" Taylor says before being interrupted.

Chance revs his engine a smirk on his face. Taylor giving a blank stare. They both laugh and Taylor begins changing in the car frantically. Chance looking over every few seconds. He didn't know why, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of Taylor. He was so innocent. So soft and gentle. Shaking his head.

"Oh I meant to tell you. Sabrina saw me and said she'll be at your party if you ever want to and I quote 'Stop being a bitch and be a real man' before winking and laughing with all her friends. Whatever that means." Repeating everything she said to Chance.

Chances face grew angry, but he let it graze off. "Yeah that's not going to happen."

"What ever happened between you guys anyways? You never told me." Taylor says.

"Nothing. Forget about her let's have fun tonight!" Chance insisting they move on from the subject.

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