Chapter 6

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"Oh my god we're really about to go see them in concert!" Taylor says excitedly.

Chance smiles at this. He was happy to see Taylor so excited for something. "Yeah we really are!" Laughing, he turns the music up in the car.

"Thank you Chance." Taylor says over the music.

"For what?" Chance asks turning the music down.

"Just for being my friend for so long. You literally had every opportunity to be friends with anyone you wanted, and just leave me behind, but you never did." Taylor says sympathetic.

"Yeah but they weren't you Taylor. No one is like you. A lot more people would realize that if you let yourself be you, if you let others see you, they would see you the same way I do." Chance smiles with his perfect teeth. 

Taylor looked away at this, smiling. "You're right." Shaking his head. Chance could never get it. 

Arriving at the event, they go to the ticket checking area. The workers letting them through, heading through a different entrance. They were going to get to meet Tyler and Josh. 

As Chance spoke to Josh about how cool of a drummer he was, Taylor spoke to Tyler. Doing his best not to sound completely stupid. 

"Dude I love y'alls music. It's helped me in my life and I've always connected to it.

"That's awesome! What did you always connect to? I love hearing these stories." Tyler asks Taylor.

Taylor got shy, but he knew this was a safe space, he knew how accepting twenty one pilots was. "I had a really rough time at home. Abusive family ya know. Well I met this guy-" He begins.

"Yeah your friend that's talking to Josh. Yeah we know about him. He paid good money for you to get to meet us, he seems like a good friend. You gotta crush on him don't you?" Tyler assumes.

Taylor gasps. "How does everybody know?" 

"He told us why this meant the world for you meet us. Not him. He told us that our music has always been something that would help you in dark times. He also told us how you're scared to be yourself around everyone, now I'm pretty positive you haven't told him you like him. I do know that the longer you hold onto this burden of hiding yourself from everyone the worse it's going to get. I can't understand personally what it's like. I do understand that being 100% your true self is the best thing you can do for your mental health. I assure you, when the time does come for you to let everyone know who you truly are, you'll feel a weight off your shoulders. You can't be scared to be yourself. It'll only stress you out. Word of wisdom here though. No 'friend' is going to spend as much money as he did to get you to meet your idols man. He might like you and not even realize it." Tyler speaking to Taylor. "Well enjoy the show kid!" He tells him before signaling Josh it was time to perform.

"You ready!" Chance says excitedly dragging Taylor to the front row with him.

They sung and screamed their lungs out the entire night. Taylor felt so himself here, he felt so different, so free. The words Tyler told him hung like a leaf on a tree with him. Chance had headed to the bathroom. A guy came to where Chance was standing. He was handsome, he wasn't Chance, but he looked really good.

"You here all by yourself cutie?" He asks Taylor.

"No." Taylor responds, he never just talked to a complete stranger like this, maybe it was the adrenaline.

"Oh was that guy your boyfriend?" He asks.

"No that's my best friend Chance, and yes he's single. I'm sure you're asking for a friend or something." Taylor says assuming the guy is here to help a friend get Chance's number or something. 

"No I'm actually here for yours." The music stops in Taylors mind. 

"What?" He asks.

"You're cute, really cute. I've seen you screaming your heart out all night. I was wondering if I could get your number?" The guy proceeds.

"I- yeah, you can have it." He gave the guy his number.

"I guess I'll text you sometime." He leaves with a wink and a smirk as Chance approaches.

"Were you just talking to a complete stranger Tay?" Chance says out of pure shock. "Up top!" motioning for a high five Taylor follows.

"What did he want?" Chance asks.

Taylor had to come up with something quick. "Oh-him-Uh. Just to get your number for his friend. Yeah." 

"Oh." Chance says bumming him out. "I'm sorry people do that to you. You didn't give it to him right?" Chance asks.

"No." Taylor answers the two soon going back to enjoying the concert. 

Leaving soon after, Taylor gets a text from an unknown number.

"Hey cutie :)" 

"Hey!" Taylor responds.

"are you DL or something dude, you changed completely when your friend came around LOL"

"he doesn't know yet..." 

"Yikes, I get the feeling. I got outed to my school worst day of my life, but im happy it happened. Now I can truly be myself ."

"I'm considering coming out to everyone." 

"When you do. Let me know, until then I'd love to be your friend :) My names Dante Btw" 


Taylor smiles at this text. Chance taking notice.

"You okay Tay?" Chance asks.

"Yeah I'm okay I had a great time!" Taylor responds with a smile. He doesn't smile much and Chance knew this.

"You should do that more often...It looks good on you." Chance says smiling back at his friend.

"Do what?" Taylor asks confused blushing slightly.


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