chapter 14- weird.

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I get up to investigate, not waking him up. I see through the window a giant grandmother clock that most definitely wasn't there before.. but i decide to not go outside so i won't risk him getting caught.
'that was weird' i think to myself, whatever the sound is gone now I guess it must've been my imagination.
The walkie talkie goes off and it's Steve saying that he is outside and getting out of the car with the supplies.
"Hey." Steve says as he opens the door and puts the bags of food and drinks down.
"Hey, Eddie is sleeping so we have to be quiet."
"Okay, the rest of the guys are in the car. Should we wake him up and tell him we're going?"
"Y'know what, i think im gonna stay here with him, you know? To make sure he's okay, you guys can keep me updated through the walkie talkies."
"Alright, you sure?"
I look over at Eddie then back at Steve and just nod yes. We say our goodbyes and they all go investigate while i walk back with a bottle of water over to Eddie.
"Eddie, wake up." I whisper as i gently shake him trying not to scare him awake.
He wakes up and drinks the water as we randomly chit chat for a while.

eddie munson x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now