Glorified Murderer

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The two scientists and Tsukasa were on the beach enjoying the weather while Taiju collected more shells.

Lazy asses.

"This is my first year ever going to a beach," Amelie mumbled to herself as she made a sand mansion.

Senku looked at her, confused by this fact, "You've never gone to the beach before petrification?"

"Nah. Movies made me not like beaches. Dead jellyfish in the sand, hungry sharks in the water, and other dangerous creatures that could kill me."

"...You know those shark movies aren't real right? And sharks don't even eat humans often at all."

"Soul Surfer. That's based on a real event," Amelie ticked off on a finger.


"Open Water," she added, without even looking at him.

He sighed, "Okay. Whatever."

Time passed as Amelie made an impressive mansion and amazed Senku with her skill.

"We're free in this stone world. Shells never belonged to anyone. The same goes for the sea and the land," Tsukasa randomly spoke up like the dramatic Tarzan that he was.

The other two teens shift their gaze to him, his back facing them as his hair theatrically swayed in the wind. He decided it was story time, they supposed, and continued.

"There was once a poor boy who tried to make a necklace out of seashells for his younger sister, who was undergoing surgery. His sister loved The Little Mermaid. But then, a middle-aged man who owned the fishing rights to that spot arrived, and with him...the stench of liquor."

He never lost his melodramatic air and looked at a petrified old man, a distant look in his eyes before he continued.

"The boy who was collecting shells–or rather, according to the man, the boy who was stealing his shells–was beaten so badly that his face was unrecognizable. He was never able to help his sister be like the Little Mermaid."

There was a beat of silence.

The silence was broken by Tsukasa crushing a shell. Yes, with his bare hand like the Tarzan he was.

But what wasn't expected, was when he punched the head off of the statue he had looked at previously. The head rolled and stopped a few inches away from the scientists' feet. The man's face stared up at the sky.

Despite this, both of them remained unfazed.

"You know what you're doing, don't you, Tsukasa?" Senku asked, a shadowy smirk on his face.

Amelie's turquoise eyes glinted as they darkened, along with her smirk, "You just killed a man."

"I know what I'm doing, of course," He admitted before turning around.

"Senku, do you intend to bring back everyone, including the grown-ups whose hearts are tainted? Sure, they'll be grateful to you at first. But as soon a civilization returns, the rich and powerful seniors will say, 'That used to be my land.' 'Pay your rent.' 'Pay your taxes.' They'll rob the poor youth of our future again. We must not bring that world back."

Amelie felt that on almost a personal level, her father.

"This is a stone world. An untainted paradise. We'll only revive the pure-hearted youth and live in a natural world owned by no one."

As Tsukasa walked closer, they could see it in his eyes, the eyes of a man who would unflinchingly kill again.

"It's a chance to purify humanity. Don't you both agree?" he stopped at another statue resting his hand on it, prepared to break it.

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