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(Y/N Pov)

I wake up.

Feeling warm and comfortable, was I in a house? In a bed?

It took minutes for me to wake up fully, but with the horrors flashing back to me with Yumi being...

Y/N: Yumi... was... that a nightmare?

I sat up from the bed only for an aching pain to occur on right... arm?

I couldn't feel it, I tried to use my other hand to look for it but... it wasn't there.

Which means...

Y/N: This is... reality... isn't it?

My words trembled as tears flowed out of my blind eyes.

Y/N: *crying* They're gone

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Y/N: *crying* They're gone... all gone... I couldn't protect them... not a single one of them...

I didn't even know where I was... or why am I still alive.

???: Ah, you're awake.

I heard a voice near me, it was probably the person that brought me here. I wiped my tears as I remind silent.

???: How are you feeling?


Y/N: I don't know.

???: Ah, well I have food ready for you. You must be starving right?


???: Not much for talking, huh?


Y/N: Where did you find me?

???: That's your question? *sigh* You were drafting in river when I found you. You were in bad shape so I did all I could.

Y/N: I see...

The individual sat near my bed as I blankly stared at the ceiling.

???: You were unconscious for weeks. Please eat something.

He placed a bowl near me. It smells good, is it beef stew?


I silently took the bowl and spoon before eating it. Even though I'm in no mood to eat, I'm stomach said otherwise.

This made the individual laugh for some reason. Did I do something funny?

???: The food isn't going anywhere.

I honestly didn't listen. I finished the meal before getting off my bed.

???: H-Hey! Take it easy, you're still-



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Akame Ga Kill! - The Blinded DemonWhere stories live. Discover now