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General Info
Name: (Your Choice)

Height: 5'9

Weight: 79 kg

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: (Your Choice)


Y/n is a 20 year old young man with long black hair that is tied up to a ponytail and bangs that pass his chin with E/c eyes

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Y/n is a 20 year old young man with long black hair that is tied up to a ponytail and bangs that pass his chin with E/c eyes. Standing at 5'9 along with a lean muscular figure.

(Outfit is shown in the picture)


Y/n has an overall calm and quiet nature, rarely talking or have small conversations.
He has a caring and protective nature due to the role of eldest child, to look after his younger siblings.

Skills and Weapons

Y/n would always wield an ordinary katana along with a hidden blade underneath his prosthetic arm when he detaches the limb.

While also possessing varies skills as both masters of martial arts and swordsmanship.


Mother (Deceased)
Father (Deceased)
Toka (Younger Sister- Deceased)
Hanako (Younger Brother- Deceased)
Yumi (Younger Sister- Alive???)

Future love interest


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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