chapter five : old, wrinkly, and grey-haired

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reckless : chapter five

[ brooklyn, new york ; the lovato household ; Friday 3:17 p.m. ]

Joe's POV

"If this game is gonna keep going like this I don't think I can watch." Ryan said as he shook his head in disappointment at the T.V.

"Tell me about it. If they don't win this game there's no way they're going to finals." I said shaking my head in agreement. All of a sudden I heard the front door open and laughing. Ryan and I turned to see Demi and Brie walk in the room.

"Hey guys." Brie said as she walked towards us. Demi followed her and walked up behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders. I smiled and looked up at her. She leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips with those soft lips I find myself craving when she's gone.

"Go away, Demi, we're busy." Ryan said mid-kiss. Demi pulled away and narrowed her eyes at Ryan. Brie scoffed and they went into the kitchen. A few minutes later they emerged from the kitchen and went down the stairs to her room.

"Really, Ry?" I sighed as I looked at him slightly annoyed.

"This is a huge game, man. No distractions." He said as he turned his attention back to the T.V. I quickly rolled my eyes and turned back to the game.

Demi's POV

[ 15 minutes later ]

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna grab my phone, I think I left it upstairs in the kitchen. You want anything?" I asked Brie as I walked to my bedroom door.

"Nah, I'm good." She mumbled as she flipped through some magazines she just bought while we were out. I quietly chuckled to myself and walked up stairs. I walked through the living room, exchanging a quick smile with Joe as I made my way into the kitchen. I looked around the counter and didn't see my phone. Did I leave it here? Or did I actually bring it down to my room? I stood there for a minute tracing my steps in my mind. But I couldn't think of where it could be. I gave up and turned around to see it sitting on the counter right behind where I was standing. I chuckled to myself and grabbed it, sliding it in my back pocket. I made my way back into the living room to see Joe and Ryan missing and the T.V. was off. I figured the game was over and they just went out with friends or something. I shook it off and walked down the stairs and into the hallway that lead to my room. I forgot to turn on the light as I came down the stairs but there was still some light coming from upstairs to guide my way. A few steps away from my bedroom door I suddenly felt a hand grab my waist. Before I could scream I felt another hand cover my mouth to stop me. It didn't take long for me to realize it was just Joe.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper shouted at him as I pulled him off of me.

"Shhh." He whispered back as he leaned me up against the wall, pinning me to it. I giggled at him, suddenly feeling all giddy inside. He slid his hand under my shirt and placed it on the small of my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair. Immediately, he leaned in and passionately kissed me. He deepened the kiss and pulled me as close to his body as he possibly could. I could feel myself wanting him more and more with each move of our lips. I wanted to just rip off his clothes and have him right there, right now. Imagining that was making me want him even more. And knowing that Brie was a few feet away, and my brother was somewhere in the house made me come back to reality. I slowly pulled away from the kiss and leaned my forehead against his. I tried to catch my breath from our steamy little encounter. I don't think he realized I was done because he started to move onto my neck instead. I giggled at the feeling of his lips on my neck.

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