chapter two : croutons are bae

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A/N: I am beyond sorry for my lack of posting lately! I've been so busy with work lately and when I do actually get a chance to write I get a brain fart and I can't think of anything to write. I have ideas I know I want to happen but not quite yet. But I have three days off so I will try my absolute best to continue writing in the next couple of days. Thanks for all your patience. Again, I am extremely sorry about me not posting :( I was really hoping I could write a ton this break, but unfortunately I couldn't. I owe you guys big time! In the meantime, enjoy chapter two!

careless ; chapter two

[ brooklyn, new york ; december ; 10:56 p.m. ]

Joe's POV

Winter break had just started yesterday, so Ryan and I decided we would have a small party at my place with a bunch of our close friends. Of course, since she was my girlfriend, Demi was here too. And since she was here, so was Brie and her boyfriend, Tyler. It wasn't a huge and outrageous party or anything. It was fairly small, but there were enough people that it wasn't lame. And having a fairly small apartment definitely helped make the party feel and look bigger than it actually was. 

A few hours into the party I noticed Demi go upstairs all by herself. Feeling very curious, I broke away from the group of people I was talking to and went upstairs to investigate. When I got to my room I saw my bathroom door was closed. I chuckled to myself as I realized why Demi came up here. The only other bathroom I had was in my basement, and since I didn't want people upstairs that was the only available one. I locked my bedroom door behind me and went over to the bathroom door and leaned against the wall next to the door. I figured since we were alone up here we could make out for a little bit then get back to the party. Locking the door was just a precaution I was taking after what happened the last time Demi and I were at a party. A few seconds later I heard the toilet flush, then the faucet turn on. Moments later the door opened and she came out. 

"So you think that just because you're my girlfriend you get special treatment and can use my bathroom whenever you want?" I teased her as she walked out. She immediately jumped with surprise and flung her hand over her heart as she gasped. 

"Joe!" She said as she playfully hit me. "Don't scare me like that!" She continued as she shook her head at me and smiled. I chuckled and walked up to her, wrapping my hands around her waist. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me a little bit closer to her. I leaned my face closer to hers and brought my lips to hers. As we started kissing she ran her fingers through my hair. 

Without breaking away from the kiss I slowly started leading us towards my bed. Once we got in front of my it I pulled away from the kiss and laid her down onto it. I heard her giggle then pull me closer to her by pulling me by my shirt. I hovered over her as I passionately kissed her. I felt her soft hand slowly slide up my shirt. Grazing her fingers up my chest. I deepened the kiss as I slid my hand underneath her, placing it at the small of her back. It must have tickled her a little because she arched her back and giggled in between the kiss. 

After a few minutes of making out and giggling, Demi rolled us over so that she was on top of me now. She sat on top on me and looked down at me. I looked up at her, smiling as I placed my hands on her butt. She seductively bit her lip and lowered her head down to mine and kissed me. As she pulled away from the kiss she softly bit my lip, slowly pulling it with her teeth as she pulled away. So she didn't hurt me, she didn't hold on for long. Eventually, she let my lip go and it returned to its normal position. Then she slowly sat back up, placing her hands on my chest and started to slowly lift up my shirt. I chuckled and started to help her pull it over my head. She giggled as I threw it next to us on the bed. I saw her bit her lip and admire my abs as she ran her fingers across my chest. After a few seconds I stopped her and brought one of her hands to my lips, kissing it softly. She giggled and her hands started to make their way down my chest. She reached my pants and started unbuttoning them. I wanted to her to continue, but I knew I needed to stop her. I didn't want our first time to be like this. I wanted it to be special and more romantic. She started to unzip my pants and I immediately stopped her. 

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