chapter nine : I will always choose you

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A/N: Alright, here we go. Chapter nine. I'm back ladies and gentlemen! LET'S DO THIS! Can you tell I'm pumped? hehe!

[ Lovato Residence ; 2:35 a.m. ]

Demi's POV

"Wow. That was so good." Brie said as she put down the remote.

"I can't believe that he did that.. I honestly did not see that ending coming." I said as I shook my head. We just finished the whole first season of the Netflix show YOU.

"Yeah... and that Joe guy.. So dreamy!" Brie said.

"Not as handsome as my, Joe." I said with a smirk. "But he kind of reminded me of someone we know." I said as a tapped my chin to try and figure out who it was.

"I think he looks kind of like Penn!" Brie said.

"Naaah. That's not it" I shook my head. (heheh) "Oh well! Want more wine?" I asked Brie as I held up the bottle. She shook her head and put out her hand as to say 'no way'.

"No way. Wine hangovers don't treat me well." Said said as she grabbed her plate and got up to go put it in the kitchen sink. Suddenly I heard someone moving the door handle back and forth at the front door. It can't be my mom. She's working a graveyard and won't be back until 7 am. "Brie?" I nervously asked from the couch.

"Huh?" She said as she came out with a mouth full of brownie. Suddenly the door slammed open and I ran to Brie holding her tight. This is it. This is how I die. I finally get Joe and now I die. We both screamed and huddled on the floor together.

"What is your problem?" I heard a familiar voice say. It was freaking Ryan. Brie and I both rushed to our feet in shock. Ryan started walking towards the kitchen and towards us, smelling like whiskey. Joe walked in shortly after him and seemed out of breath. He came through the front door and hand to bend over and put his hands on his knees because he was so out of breath. "Told you I'd win!" Ryan shouted as he came out of the kitchen with a beer.

"That's not fair! You had the uber drop us off so far away from here!" Joe said as he caught his breath and then walked towards me. "Besides.." He said as he put his arm around me "I'm the real winner here." Joe said as he kissed my temple.

"GET OUT!" Ryan said as he could barely walk and he went towards the couch. I giggled and looked at Brie.

"Have you two been drinking?" I asked them already knowing the answer. They both immediately had a smirk on their face and looked at each other trying not to laugh.

"No." They both said in unison clearly very drunk. Brie and I just shook our heads and laughed.

"You guys totally are!" Brie said with a chuckle. The first time I heard her laugh all night.

"So? We're grown!" Joe said with a stumble as he high fived Ryan.

"You're pathetic" Brie joked back.

"Hey! We're not pathetic." Ryan argues as he waved his beer around from talking with his hands. Our mom's side is Italian so we're very...expressive. "We're just-"

"Children. We know" Brie chimed in before he could finish.

"Well isn't someone a little more chipper now?" Ryan barked back in a joking manner.

"Bite me." She said with a wink as she headed to my room. Joe chuckled and walked towards me as Ryan stood there trying not to act like a young college girl didn't just own him.

"Mind if I just stay here tonight?" Joe asked as he pushed some hair behind my ear.

"Sur-" I started to say before I was rudely interrupted.

"No." Ryan chummed in while he was still sober enough. "Not in my house."

"It's not your house. And why not? I'm not a child you know?"

"No. Boys. Especially, this motherfucker." Ryan joked as he sloshed the bottle around again...stumbling closer. Joe chuckled and grabbed the bottle from him.

"Woah, easy there scout." Joe said as he set the beer on the table.

[ Joe's POV ]

"Ugh! Why are you such a-" Demi started to angrily yell at her brother but he decided it was his turn to talk.

"Amazing brother? I don't know. You know, I ask myself that question everyday when I wake up. How do you do it, Ry?" He joked as he tried to reach down for the beer but almost fell. "Woah..." he said as he caught his balance...thanks to me.

"Easy there. Maybe it's time for us all to take a breath and go to bed." I calmly said even though let's be honest...I was drunk.

"Fine fine. But you're not sleeping with my sister." Ryan protested as he started heading for the stairs.

"He already does!" Demi shouted at him as she crossed her arms. I instantly shot her a 'you've got to be shitting me' face. Is she shitting me? Why in the hell would she say something like that?!

"No. La la la! I can't hear you!" Ryan said like a child covering his ears. "Noooo I will not listen to this nonsense." He continued as he started humming

"Why are you such a jerk?" Demi shouted back at him. Almost like they were competing to who could make things worse. 

"Guys, come on. That's enough." I finally said, growing tired of the arguing. "Just agree you're both jerks and that we can go to bed." I tried to dad the situation but it only made Demi more angry. 

"Hey!" Ryan shouted as he noticed the wine bottle. "You're not 21!" He continued shouting as he pointed his finger at Demi. 

"You're not my Dad! Stop acting like you can control me!" Demi yelled back as she grabbed it and ran into the kitchen. I flung my head back in frustration. Is this how things were going to be from now on? I sighed and quickly lead Ryan upstairs. 

"Just sleep it off man, okay?" I asked him as I helped him sit down on his head. 

"No, I gotta-" He started to say trying to hold in his burp/possible vomit? 

"I got it. Don't worry." I promised him as I started backing away. 

"Yeah..maybe that's a good idea." He agreed as he started to lay back in his bed. 

"Goodnight, sunshine." I chuckled as I closed the door. I hurried back downstairs to find Demi cleaning the kitchen. I knew she was upset because she cleans when she's anxious or angry. "Dems?" I asked hopefully. No response. "Demi, come on." I pleaded but still got no response. I sighed and sat on the counter. "I'm not leaving you until I hear something come out of your mouth." I promised as I crossed my arms in protest. I saw her freeze for a minute and roll her eyes. 

"You know it's not fair when you always chose his side over mine." She finally mumbled. I sighed and got off the counter, walking towards her in hopes we could resolve this quickly. 

"Dems, I wasn't choosing his side. I just was trying to help the situation." I pleaded. "I'm not here to choose sides. Or choose people. But if I absolutely have to you know that I'll always choose you." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder. Fully expecting her to shove it back at me. But she didn't. She turned around and hugged me with tears in her eyes. 

"Joe...I..." She tried to mumble out. But the tears were too strong for her to keep it together. 

"Dems." I tried to console her by holding her tighter. She looked up at me and just smiled for a minute.

"I love you. I really do." She finally said as she leaned up to kiss me. 

[ End of Chapter Nine ]

A/N: GUUUUUUUYS. See I told you I would write more hehehe! Sorry it's a little short. Still working on getting my writing skills back again so bear with me! But I hope you guys liked it! Maybe 5 votes for the next chapter? I love you guys! <3 Glad to be back and have all this positive energy in my life!

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