chapter four : "I'll take that as a yes."

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careless ; chapter four

[ brooklyn, new york ; joe's apartment ; 10:15 p.m. ]

Joe's POV

"Your mom really doesn't mind you spending the night here on Christmas Eve?" I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed and looked over at Demi who was washing her face in my bathroom.

"Surprisingly she was okay with it." She responded with a smile. "She said to just make sure we're not late in the morning." She continued as she dried her face with a hand towel.

"Wow, Angie is really starting to let you go." I stated as she made her way back into my bedroom. She smirked at me.

"That and she actually likes you and trusts you with me." She said as she walked up and sat right next to me.

"She does?" I curiously asked as I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

"Of course she does! Do you really think she'd be letting me spend the night here so much if it was anyone else?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around my torso, making herself as close as she could possibly be.

"I guess not." I said as I smiled and kissed her on the head. I kept my lips there while I just thought for a moment. I was thinking about how much things have changed in the past year. One year ago, being with Demi was just something I wanted to happen but figured never would. One year ago, Demi was just my best friend's little sister and one of my best friends, nothing more. One year ago, I was debating whether or not to take back Missy. Thinking that since I couldn't be with Demi what other choice did I have? One year ago, I was just a selfish asshole who hooked up with random girls, hoping it would help me feel less lonley somehow. But it didn't. The only thing that would make my life feel tolerable again was Demi. And I hate not only that it took me so long to realize how perfect she was for me, but also how long it took me to do something about it.

Besides, I think things happen when they do for a reason. If I would have done something about my feelings for Demi while we were in high school it would have been extremely complicated. My lack of an apartment of my own would have made having alone time nearly impossible. And with a lack of alone time our relationship wouldn't have formed so quickly. Plus, if I would have started dating Demi too close after Missy, Ryan would have thought she was just a rebound. On the other hand, if I would have waited any longer Demi would probably be back together with Derek right now. She would have had no reason not to if we hadn't started dating just before he came back. Overall, even though I wish we could have started dating years ago, I'm glad that Demi and I's relationship happened when it did. Fate knew exactly what it was doing.

"Whatcha thinking about there?" Demi asked as she looked up at me a little curious. I smiled at her and pushed some hair behind her ear.

"Nothing. Come on, let's go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow." I said as I lifted her up and put her in her side of the bed. Once I did that I walked over to my side, turned off the lights, and crawled into bed next to her. She immediately cuddled up next to me and rested her head on my chest. I put my arm around her, pulling her closer, and started slowly stroking her hair to help her fall asleep. Once I knew she was sound asleep, I closed my eyes and drifted off.

[ the next day... ]

[ the lovato house ; 9:05 a.m. ]

Demi's POV

"It smells delcious, Mom." I said as I walked into the kitchen to the smell of her freshly cooked homemade waffles.

"Thanks sweetie." She said, immediately greeting me with a warm hug.

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