A/N April 27, 2015

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Hello! I must apologize for the year of not posting anything. I know I said that I would post after rewatching the anime but I haven't. This is a thing I do where I don't look at my works for six months to one year so I can come back to edit my work. I do this quite a lot and am unaware of it until I actually come back. So I apologize for the "lies" I told you.

But after about nearly a year of not posting or even looking at this story, I came back and read through what I already have so far.

I don't like it.

Which is why I've decided to rewrite this entire fanfiction.

You heard me. The new one will be similar to this one but there will be major changes. For instance, I will probably change Kiriko's name. I might also draw the plot out more so that there isn't too many things happening in just a few chapters.

I am not sure when I will publish the first chapter, as I want to write multiple chapters before publishing the first one. Which I didn't do at first, leading me to have a writers' block and not post for so long.

This is the news I've wanted to inform you all of so please don't hate me for disappointing you with this false update. That is all.

GeminiDragon888 Out.

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