A/N Feb 9, 2018

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Hi, everyone! 

First and foremost, I apologize for this very, very, very delayed message. I honestly forgot about my account until just recently and I haven't looked at Mute Act in years. I'm very sorry to those who's been looking forward to my rewrite of Mute Act.

That said, I've come back on and I've read all of your comments, especially those that would like me to continue. I wasn't really planning on doing anything when I found my account again, but see all the comments that wants this story, I think I might as well.

Yes, that brings me to my second point, I'm (probably) bringing Mute Act back. I don't remember much of how I wanted this story to go, but I do remember the basis and Kiriko's backstory. If I were to rewrite this, the storyline will be very different and I will try to keep as much of the original storyline as I can. 

But this isn't a promise. Please do not hold this story over my head. I'm very busy as a high school student, soon to be college student, and I will try to rewatch Brothers Conflict and write when I can, but do not expect much from me. Update will be very slow. Very, very slow. I'll try my best to write as fast as I can. 

My third and last point, this story itself is discontinued. Don't worry, I am rewriting Mute Act, but it'll be as a different story from this. I warn you, my writing style is very different (and hopefully better) from when I was in middle school so do expect that. I'll keep the name, as this story has become known for it, so you can keep an eye out for a new Mute Act relatively soon. 

Thank you for sticking to this story for so long. 

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