Chapter One

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Kon'nichiwa Minna! This is my first fan fiction that's based off an anime!
Please don't hate!

Kiriko's POV

It was 6:00 PM and I was walking home from the library. I didn't want to go home after school so staying at the library seems like the next best option.

I sighed as I walked down a street that was known for it's bad reputation. It was the fastest way to get home and it beats going through a rich, snobby neighborhood.

As I passed a small shop, I felt a pair of hands pull me into the dark alleyway.

Most girls would scream "Kya!" at that moment but no sound came from me. Other than the grunt of pain as I was pushed against the wall and a rough hand covering my mouth, which to me, was useless.

"Make one sound and I'll rape you." A stranger's voice came from in front of me.

My eyes widened at the threat. Even though I wasn't going to make a sound, the threat was enough to make any sensible girl silent.

The alleyway was dark and I couldn't see who it was in front of me. Plus, there was a blindfold that one of the stranger's friends put on me.

My hand was bind behind my back with, as I that's what I thought it was, a leather bind. My bag was thrown uselessly from my hands, and with the sound I heard, the library manga I got was sprawl across the ground. Duct tape was pressed against, again uselessly, my mouth. I was pushed to the ground into a sitting position.

I didn't know why I didn't kick their ass, I had it within my power. But why I didn't use it? I don't know.

"Yamato Kiriko? That's you, right?" The voice said again.

I nodded.

I was staring at the ground, or what I assume was the ground. For all I know, I might be staring at this guy's shoes.

"And I assume you know your father's occupation?"

I was taken back, what does my dad have to do with this guy? Though I never knew my dad's job, let alone his age.

I silently shook my head.

A pause came, like this guy expected for me to know. Then this guy started laughing, no. It was more of a chuckle.

"I see. Then, I'll let you in on a secret." I felt a hot breath on my ear so I assume he leaned in on my ear.

Then my eyes widen even bigger, because he whispered to me the 5 words I dreaded to hear.

"Your father's a mafia boss."

Then I heard a punch from in front of me and a thud as, or what I presume, a body fell to the ground.

Next thing I know, my blindfold was miraculously pulled off my face along with my hands being freed. Then I was somehow looking up to a shadowy figure standing before me.

Subaru's POV

I was walking toward home after basketball practice. I had to hurry home because Ema's birthday was today and I couldn't afford to miss it, that is, if I didn't want to lose to Nastu-Nii.

I sighed and looked forward to where I was walking. I saw a girl walking towards my direction, but she seemed too distracted to notice me.

A girl who couldn't be any younger than Ema with shy light blue, short hair in a ponytail with a black star in her hair. Her bangs was covering her eyes. She was wearing the same school uniform as Ema's but she was wearing black lace leggings under the black skirt and black combat boots was on her feet.

If I wasn't into Ema, I would have thought she was seriously cute. But I could still feel my face slightly blushing.

As I was walking, I saw a pair of hands come out of an alleyway and pull the girl into it. Though I didn't hear a scream.

She was a maybe 15 meters ahead of me so it took me awhile to reach the alleyway.

As I looked into it, I saw the same girl. Except, she was blindfolded, her hands tied behind her back, her mouth duct taped, and she was slumped on the ground staring up at the guy who was kneeled down at her whispering something to her ear.

Next thing I know, I was closing the distance between me and the guy and my fist connected with his face, sending him flying away. Making his comrades stand up and face my direction.

This guy was bad news for sure, but how can I take on multiple guys at the same time?


I hope you guys like the 1st chapter! Please comment it I should continue on with the story!
I want feedback! Good? Bad?

Mute Act [Please read A/N Feb 9, 2018]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang