Chapter Four

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Kon'nichiwa Minna!

So I think that just using italics for both thoughts and Kiriko's writings in her notepad seems kinda confusing. At least to me it was when I reread my chapter.

So from now on, Kiriko's writings in her notepad, it'll be surrounded by [...]s.

For example: [Thank you for reading.]

RECAP (Almost forgot to put this in):

Kiriko woke up in a room full of strangers, Ema, Masaomi, Tusbaki, and Subaru. Ema, being nice as she was, knew Kiriko, though not personally, and introduced her to her step-brothers. Kiriko was surprised because she's usually not noticed due to her lack of pressence and slience. So of course it would be strange if numerous people noticed her.

When she tried to leave, she arrived in the living room instead and she someone who she didn't want to see. Fuuto however saw Kiriko and thought that she looked familiar. Maybe she went to one of his concert?

Kiriko's POV

"What are you doing up?" A voice call out from the room I had just entered.

My head turned toward that direction of the voice and my eyes was meet by a boy, about 2 years younger than me, who had sandy brown hair and yellow hair clips keeping his bangs out of his face. The familiar face I thought I wouldn't have face for a long time.

I bit my bottom lip almost immediately, holding back my tears that threatened to spill. A little habit of mine that I picked up when I was younger.

I quickly blinked twice to blink the tears back. I returned to my usual expression and averted my eyes away from the painfully familiar face.

Fuuto's POV

The familiar looking girl looked toward me, somehow giving me a needle-like pain in my head but I ignored it.

What got me worried was that she looked like she was about to cry once she saw me and the fact that she started to bite her bottom lip really hard before she adverted her eyes away.

Wait, back that up. Did I just said I was worried? I don't even know this girl! Wait a second! She isn't answering my question!

Kiriko's POV

I mentally sighed after the tears seemed to have gone away and turned away. Wanting to keep my tears in and the memories forgotten.

Then I felt something. I have a feeling that something bad is going on at my house?

I quickly took out my notepad and wrote on it, flipping it around for the four people behind to see.

[Can you please let me go home? If you continue to...contain me here, I will call the police for kidnapping and harassment.]

As if on cue, lightning seemed to have struck the four, making them motionless and shocked.

I mentally smiled to myself. Of course I was bluffing. One, I don't even have a phone to use. And two, even if I did and called the police, I wouldn't even talk to them either way.

"Y-Yamato-San!" Ema stuttered.

"T-then, how 'bout I drive you home?" Tsubaki laughed nervously. But I immediately shook my head.

If he were to drive me home, he would know where I live. Not only that but he seems like the type that would pop up at your house without being invited.

[Can you just show me the way out?]

~*Time Skippu*~

I sat still at the passenger's seat, keeping my eyes down. Right now, my shoes seems really interesting.

Over in the driver's seat was Asahina Tsubaki, who, even when I said that I only wanted him to show me out, still pushed me into his car and forced me to write my address down for him to drive me home. If I could, I would've screamed and called the police on him.

Tsubaki had one hand on the wheel, which screamed dangerous to me, and one hand holding my notepad with my address on it. Now that he has my one and only notepad that I have on me, I have no way of communicating. Wait...!

Don't tell me that he plans on making talk to him! Man, he looks like he's stupid but he can actually think.

(A/N Sorry! It's a little insult to Tsubaki-kun but that was how I first thought of Tsubaki-kun.)

I looked out the window, mentally freaking out but of course I didn't show it.

"Ne? Kiriko-chan? I'm just wondering about your parents. Are they worry about you or-"

Then I felt the car stop as Tsubaki left his sentence hanging. Though I wasn't really looking at the other side, I could see a faint red glow coming from behind me.

My eyes widen as I opened the car doors and jump out, leaving Tsubaki yelling after me, and turned toward where my house should be. But instead, I was greeted by a flaming red fire that engulf the apartment building where I was staying.








I completely broke.


How did you guys like it? It's a cliffhanger, don't kill me!

Gomennesai for it not being as long as Chapter Three. And gomennesai for taking so long to update. I had a little writers block (yea yea yea, I know. Excuses excuses). But I have this idea I'm dying to try in Chapter Five.

Look forward to it!

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