Chapter 1 - Meeting A Co-Star

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I always sat at this cafe, it was calm and quiet. Usually not a lot of people came here and the ones that did were regulars. I lived in a small town, most people here are writers and small actors just hoping to live in secret from the public. I was a writer and actor, usually it was just minor characters and background characters that I played but it didn't matter much. I wrote books, not that I publish but I am working on one book right now. I just don't know how to make it interesting. That's why I was here today, just to people watch and get some inspiration. But I ended up just doodling on my notepad while drinking a coffee and eating a piece of cake. It was dark chocolate and incredible.

I averted my gaze from my paper to the clink of the doorbell, signaling that someone new had walked in. But once I looked at the figure they were already looking right at me. It was a man, he was pale and had light brown hair that curled slightly at the tips and laid slightly over his face and in a mullet. He had deep murky blue eyes and freckles dusted over his face. He looked young, maybe old but young looking. He averted his gaze, embarrassed and walked up to the counter. I took the time to look at his outfit, white shirt in light blue jeans with a pastel green hoodie over. He ordered quietly and glanced at me again. I redirected my gaze down to my notepad again. I started doodling on a new page, possible idea, flowers, different scenarios in pictures. I was sat by the cafe window on the far left, so I could watch the people walking by outside. But it was pretty dead today. I just sighed and looked down at my notepad again, before hearing and chair and shuffling from the other side of the long table. On the get right the man had sat down. He glanced at me again and smiled softly, I just smiled back before looking down at my notepad yet again. I saw him pull out his phone and start typing down something but I didn't pay him much mind.

"You're Y/n, right?" He suddenly spoke up. I turned my eyes towards him before turning my head. "That's me.. why?" I asked, confused on how he knew my name. "I'm Gwydion, we're both on the cast list for Vice principals?" He told me with a small smiled. He got down from his chair and moved closer, sitting down next to me new. "See?" He handed me his phone. They had sent out the cast list for the Vice Principals, which I had auditioned for. And there I was, name and picture on the list. A few below me I could see a picture of Gwydion, hair was shorter and he had a toothy grin but it was him nonetheless. I hummed and handed it back to him. "I recognized you through the window, thought it would be good if we got to know each other a bit before shooting" he told me as I put my pen down and smiled at him. "Alright then, what do you want to know?" I asked with a grin as he chuckled.

"Let's start easy" he told me and I nodded. "I mean I'm a hard nut to crack, I have my boundaries" I told him with a wiggle of the eyebrows and he cracked a loud laugh. "Alright Uhm, what's your favorite color?" He asked "oh no you've stepped over the line" I grinned and he chuckled, rolling his eyes at me. "Seriously though, what is it?" He asked, "Orange, like tangerine orange, that very warm vibrant orange. How about you?" I replied and he relaxed, leaning his arms on the table. "Turquoise" he simply answered and I chuckled at his simplicity. "What are you writing?" He asked and I handed him the small notepad. "I'm trying to com up with ideas for a book I'm writing but it's clearly not going that well" I confessed with a sigh. "Hm, seems good so far. I mean I love the drawings" he told me and I smiled, he wasn't that bad honestly. "Thanks, I just got bored. I can do better" I told him as he handed the notepad back. "Oh I bet, I'm not that great at drawing but I do enjoy it" he told me and I smiled at him again, it was like I couldn't resist smiling at him.

"Hm alright, you're an actor, a writer, and artist. What else do you do?" He asked. "Not much, I have two cats" I shrugged and he smiled at me, "can I see them?" He asked, he was more excited now. "Sure, I need to go home soon anyways" I told him and gathered up my things. "Your coffee's probably cold" he told me and I sighed, throwing the paper cup in the trash. "I'll buy you a new one, I did distract you from it" he told and I tried to protest but he was quick to grab my hand and drag me up to the counter. "Go ahead" he told me and I just glanced at him again. "Seriously, I was gonna order for myself anyways" he told me and I sighed but gave in. We ordered and he payed, even though I offered to pay for my own. Then we grabbed out things and left. "Okay so, what are their names?" He asked, referring to the cats. "I have one male one female, siblings. Male one is Selma and female is Aslan" I told him and he hummed, sipping his coffee. This would be an interesting afternoon.

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