Chapter 6 - The Scene

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About three months passed. We were currently on the class trip set, which was a different place and not exactly a set. We were talking to a few of our co-stars when a producer walked over. "Time for the scene, go get ready you two" he handed me the script with a circled scene start. I read over it and sighed. "Sex scene" I mumbled and handed it to Gwydion. "Good luck then" one of the guys chuckled as we walked away. "Into the dressing room we go" he hummed and I chuckled. We were stripped to just our underwear which was colored like our skin so they would just edit it away. We were given robes we would wear afterwards in the scene after it.
Once we walked out I already felt slightly uncomfortable. "I hate this" I huffed and Gwydion hummed in agreement. "Let's just try to get through this" he told me "yeah, careful with your grip though, I don't want bruises" I told him and he nodded. We got to the place, it was already night and we'd be filming in a building. We were given chairs on the side where we'd put our robes. We were told the position and I could see Gwydion tense up.

We took off our robes and Gwydion was trying to not be a perv. "It's fine, I don't care if you look at me" I chuckled as we walked into the room. "I probably won't be the only one staring" he grinned at me and I huffed. "This character is definitely more rough than I would be" he hummed as everyone outside got prepared. "Yeah?" I asked as I walked over to the window. "Definitely, I'm not exactly the rough type" he said, almost like he was shy about it. I just hummed in response.

We were given the signal and I pressed myself against the window, it was ice cold. We were told to try and make noise since it should be heard through the glass a bit. He felt him come over and press agaisnt me like he was told, hands on my shoulders as well. And then it started, I tried my best to look like I wasn't bothered by people looking at me. Gwydion's grunting and light humping helped with that, his voice was interesting because with just a few grunts he made my head spin. The light humping got me all hot and bothered and his grip on my shoulder was rough and still not leaving bruises. I could feel him really get into it once I heard a shift in his voice, he was enjoying this just as much as I was. Then the other actors came in nod I was given a jacket and forced out of the room. Our robes were thrown at us and we hurried to put them on. I glanced at Gwydion as the producer looked through the footage to see if it was alright. He blushing, not so everyone could clearly see it but enough so I could. His ears were even slightly red. I probably looked like a strawberry. "Alright it was perfect! Twenty minute break before the next scene everyone!" The producer called for everyone and I sighed.

We made our way over to the trailer we're our makeup and clothes were being done at the moment since we weren't on set. I sat down in my chair as Gwydion did the same beside me. "So uhm" he started or tried to start a conversation. I hummed and he tried to say something. "Sorry if you got like uncomfortable or something I was trying not to make you uncomfortable" he apologized and I shook my head. "It was fine, really. I didn't really mind it at all" I confessed and turned away from him a bit, too embarrassed to see his reaction. "I didn't either, like mind it I mean. It was pretty cool how was managed in one shoot" he chuckled. "Yeah, now we just have to do that awkward sex talk scene on the couch" I chuckled and turned back, seeing him already starring at me. "Yeah, then we're done for tonight" he smiled at me. "Was I too rough on your shoulders by the way?" He asked and reached over, slightly moving my robe to see the finger prints he left on my shoulder. "It's fine it'll fade" I reassured him as he sighed. "Still, if I got too rough you should have told me" he said and I shook my head, hearing the bang on our door taht let us know we needed to be in the room soon. "It's fine, kinda enjoyed it. Now let's go" I said, getting up and leaving the trailer. He quickly caught up to me and we walked together. We had already done a lot of kiss scenes, he was actually very gentle.

After everything was done shooting for the night we went back to the trailer and changed into our normal outfits. He drove us back to the hotel and we got back to our room, kicking off our shoes and falling onto our beds. Usually Gwydion slept in my bed though unless he was really tired and warm. He slowly got up and got onto my bed. Crawling up and laying down like he usually does, arms around my waist and head on my chest. I rand my fingers through his hair, it was soft and he was warm. He looked up at me and I smiled at him. "Go to see you dork" I told him and he hummed, laying his head down again as I pulled the comforter over us. "Goodnight Y/n" he mumbled and I smiled as I heard his usual soft bretahs that meant he was sleeping. I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead "Goodnight Gwydion" I smiled and slowly fell asleep. Tomorrow was last day of shooting for the season.

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