Chapter 2 - Cats and Scripts

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The walk back to my apartment was nice. Gwydion reminded me a lot of a golden lab, he easily got excited but could keep his calm. Acting with him would be interesting. He was very sweet, cared about a lot of things. And he was very excited to meet my cats. Once we got to my apartment I unlocked it and was immediately met with a cat hanging from the little piece of wood above the door. "Hello Selma" I greeted him and he jumped down into my arms. "Close the door?" I asked as we walked in, I hear a hum and the click of the door closing. "Hood, I need to give them food" I handed Selma over to Gwydion who smiled happily as Selma clumped over his shoulders and sniffed and licked at his face. I walked into the livingroom to see Aslan sound asleep on the coffee table. "Hey baby, you sleep in weird places" I greeted her as she stretched and climbed up my stretched out arms. She rested around my neck as I kicked off my shoes by a wall. I saw Gwydion do the same as I walked away. I poured up food for them in the kitchen and walked out to the livingroom after Aslan had jumped down. "Food's in the kitchen Selma" I told the black cat on Gwydion's shoulder. He let out a hoarse meow and jumped down, trusting off to the kitchen.

"Nice apartment" he complimented as I sat down on the couch, he soon joined me. "Thanks, seems like Selma likes you" I smiled at him and he chuckled. "Yeah, he's cute. Does he have asthma?" He questioned "nope, he was a rescue cat and apparently he was born with a lung problem. It doesn't hurt him though. Just makes him sound like the unholy offspring of a motorboat and a pidgeon" I chuckled and he hummed. "You live alone? Other than the cats of course" he asked with a small smile as I pulled out my phone. I nodded at him and checked my emails. The script had been sent out. "Wanna read the script?" I asked and he nodded, scooting closer to me as we looked at me phone. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. We got to another episode and I froze. "There's a makeout scene" he commented and I nodded slowly. He reached over and scrolled down. "And a sex scene" he said, he turned tos look at me, inches away. "We can manage that, right?" He asked, clearly as shocked by this as I was. "Uh yeah, yeah sure" I nodded. He nodded and we looked back at my phone. We continued reading for a while but I could see this was going to be something for sure.

Once we had read through the script we decided to just talk for a bit. "No I'm telling you it's bullshit! Why would they cast a famous ableist actor for a disabled role?" I argued with him. "Because they don't care, it's just for money! What he does and thinks I'm his free time doesn't affect them" he argued with me, I chuckled and smiled once a cat jumped onto my lap. Aslan. She stretched out and meowed, curling into ball on my lap. Selma jumped up on the couch, trotting his way up onto Gwydion's lap where he spread out to sleep. He looked like he had just been killed by a car. "I love this cat" Gwydion mumbled as he ran his hand gently over Selma who then started purring. "Oh, that sound" Gwydion winced at the broken motor like sound that Selma made instead of the normal purr of a cat. "Mhm, imagine having to sleep while listening to that" I pointed out and he chuckled loudly. "We start filming in like two days ya know" he told me and I nodded. "We can carpool to the hotel?" He suggested and I nodded. "Sounds great" I smiled at him and he grinned back.

"I should get home, it's getting dark" he told me and carfully lifted Selma off him as I did the same with Aslan. I walked him to the door and watched him out his shoes on again. "Wanna get breakfast tomorrow? My treat" he asked, he looked like he was waiting for rejection but I gave none. "Sure, there's a sweet breakfast dinner down the road, meet you there at 10:00?" I asked with a soft smile and he nodded, he looked like a happy puppy. "Well, see you tomorrow then" he said, opening the door for himself. We stood at the door for a few minutes before I heard a load meow and glass shattering from the livingroom. I sighed and grinned at Gwydion. "See you tomorrow Gwydion, sleep well" I quickly leaned over and kissed his cheek before closing the door. I heard a small 'Yes' from the other side of the door along with footsteps fading away. I smiled to myself and walked into the living room, seeing a broken vase and an innocent playing black cat on the couch. "God damnit Selma" I sighed, but I was at least looking forward to tomorrow.

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