Chapter 5 - Dinner And Kisses

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I woke up an alarm going off, it was an alarm set in by the producer. I reached over and turned it over. I glanced down and Gwydion was already smiling up at me. "Morning, time for scene training and dress designs" I told him as I got up. He hummed and got up as well. We freshened up and grabbed our things, going down to set that was just a few blocks away. We got coffee on the way there since we haven't eaten breakfast. Once we got into the building we saw a good amount of other actors, it was a lot of people who would play students. "Ah there you two are, dressing room 0-3 wants to see you both" someone suddenly said to us before walking off. "Where's dressing room 0-3?" I gave Gwydion a confused look and he shrugged. We started looking over the doors that was against a wall and finally found it. Once we got in we saw two women who'd be working with us.

"Ah hello, I'm Amanda and that's Janette, we'll be working with your closets during the season" one of the women introduced themselves. "This dressing room is simp,y for the two of you since you'll be playing bigger parts in this season" Janette told us and we nodded. "Great, so how are we gonna do this?" Gwydion asked. "Oh we have a few clothing items and we are gonna pair them together on the two of you and take a few photo's if thats alright?" Amanda explained "sure, let's get on with this then" I smiled and set my coffee down on the makeup table. I walked over to Janette, she had a thick accent but I managed to understand her perfectly. I turned to Gwydion and saw him already shirtless, about to change into a new one. I stared at him for a while as he stepped out of his pants as well. He was slightly chubby and had wide thighs that made me feel something else. Finally I stopped staring and I was told I'd be wearing a dress and the first was was polka footed white and red. I was also given a red hat. "Could you two pose together?" Amanda asked us and we did as told. He placed his hand around my waist and I leaned into him slightly.

Then we changed a few more times before they decided it was enough. "Now you can change back and we'll start with your hair" Janette said and we nodded. We sat down in our chairs and they started getting everything into order. "Don't mess up my hair now, I worked hard for this" Gwydion joked and Amanda chuckled, patting his shoulder lightly. For some reason I didn't like that, I don't know why. They ended up cutting a bit of my hair, just to get it neat and done and cut a lot of Gwydion's. It looked really good though! "There we go, that's all for today. See you tomorrow!" Amanda waved us off as we left. "Bye!" I waved to them. "You look really good like this" I commented and ruffled Gwydion's hair. He chuckled and swatted my hand away. "Thanks, it's definitely new. I haven't had this short hair in a while" he chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "It looks really good though" I chuckled. "Thanks, I'm glad someone likes it" he smiled at me.

We got through the day pretty easy. We practiced a few scenes and such and it went pretty well. Once we got back to the hotel we were just bored. "Wanna go eat at a dinner? This hotel is apparently not the best with it's good" Gwydion asked and I huffed a laugh. "Sure" I agreed and we soon left again, I took a few photos of him as we walked down the empty streets. "You're so weird" he nudged me slightly with his arm as we walked. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and took another photo of us. He stuck his tongue out with me as well. I took a few more and then he licked my cheek during one. "Ew! Gwydion!" I moved away and wiped my cheek with my shirt as he laughed loudly. He took many photos of me as well, I flipped him the bird in one and he just laughed at me. I decided to finally look him up on Insta and I found him pretty easy. I requested a follow and he accepted and followed me back easily. I glanced at him and smiled as I saw him look through my posts. I looked through his and saw his newest was a bunch of pictures of me. He had tagged me just seconds ago. I liked it and posted my own batch of him, even the one where he licked my cheek. I huffed a laugh as I posted them.

Then I noticed my notifs were blowing up. "Holy shit" I whispered as I stopped walking. "What?" Gwydion looked at me confused. My newest movie, it got an incredible amount of attention! Look at my notifs on Insta!" I showed him my phone and he chuckled. "Awesome, seems like someone's getting famous" he grinned at me. "Yeah" I laughed as I saw tha thousands of followers I gained in the matter of hours. "Guess this sex scene will be a bigger thing than I expected then" I glanced at him with a grin and we laughed a bit. "Yeah, we're gonna have to reshoot that scene a lot" he huffed another laugh as we got to the dinner. "Yeah, you know we're gonna end up laughing our asses off, we'll have to spend hours on just that scene" I nudged him nod he chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he did. "Oh yeah the producers are gonna hate us" he grinned at me and opened the door to the dinner for us.

We walked in and sat in a booth, which he let go off me to do. We looked over the menu for a few minutes. "I'm getting Balsamic glazed chicken" I placed my manu down. He hummed and put his down as well as the waitress came over. She already had her machine with her. "What can I get you both?" She asked with a warm smile. "I'll have the Lemon pepper chicken and they will have the Balsamic glazed chicken, just water thanks" he ordered for us before I could protest. She started counting it up on the machine. "Would you like the couples discount? You two look adorable together" she asked "that would be lovely thank you" Gwydion hummed and payed. Once he was done she walked away with the menus. "Okay seriously, you're spending too much money on me" I told him and he chuckled. Hey at least we got a couples discount" he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I burst out laughing. "You're such a dork" I pushed his arm slightly as he lead on the table. "I'm your dork though" he commented as I pulled out my phone. "Yeah, you are" I grinned and took another photo of him  "cute" I hummed and put it on my story with him tagged along with the caption 'Got a couples discount and the nerd won't stop laughing about it

I posted the photo and Gwydion's phone dinged. "You have my notifications turned on?" I questioned in shook as he pulled his phone on. "Maybe" he mumbled and checked my story. "Weirdo" he grinned at me and put his phone away. I saw the waitress looking at us, specifically Gwydion. "She's checking you out" I told him. "The waitress?" He asked and I nodded. He glanced at her before looking back at me. "Eh, not my type" he shrugged. "But she's so pretty" I argued "yeah but not my type" he smiled at me as I huffed.

Soon the food arrived and we started eating. I took a few photo's of Gwydion while he was eating and he just laughed at me. He did the same to me. "Alright weirdo, let's go back to the hotel" he told me as we finished eating. "Alright dork, she looks like she's about to give you her number" I told him, referring to the waitress. He just hummed before we got up. Once she got closer he pulled me close by the waist and kissed my cheek. "Thank's for the incredible service" he put a top of the table while I tried not to laugh at the waitress shocked and slightly hurt expresion. "Wow, you're cold hearted" I smacked his chest as we left. "Eh at least I got to kiss someone pretty" he chuckled and I huffed at him. We laughed and joked during our walk back. It was dark outside now. He had his hand on my hip the entire time, not that I minded though.

We went up to our room and I was quick to get my shoes off and take my pj's to the bathroom. I changed and went out again, in boxers and a sleeveless shirt. I saw Gwydion in just boxers sitting on my bed, looking at his phone. "Wrong bed dork" I told him as I sat down beside him. "Hm oh no no I'm staying with you, you're an incredible pillow" he grinned as he looked over at me for a second. I chuckled and hummed. He showed me his phone and I saw a post from someone who seemed to follow me  it was a photo I had posted of me and Gwydion, the one where he licks my cheek. It had the caption 'Is Y/n dating this Gwydion guy?' I laughed at it and he chuckled. "Your fans think we're dating" he told me and I hummed. "Well let's play along then shall we?" I smirked at him and he chuckled. I pulled him down into my arms as I laid down. He put our phones to charge and cuddled into me. I grabbed my phone for a second, snapping a photo of him in my arms and posting it on my story. I put my phone away again and pulled the comforter over us. "Goodnight weirdo" he muttered and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Goodnight dork" I hummed and slowly we fell asleep.

Blind Love [Gwydion Lashlee-Walton x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now