Hizashi x Aizawa 🗣🐱

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Requested by: @bl00dma1d

So this will be all over the place so I apologize in advance

Third-person : 16 y/o erasermic

Shota Aizawa, the freak of the school. His quirk wasn't impressive so how'd he get in? Simple really; he had amazing fight in him and he was quite smart. I'm fact, he was the top of his class. So why did everyone hate him?

Again, that was simple. No one liked him because of the fact he was great at everything, but he wasn't a teacher's pet, in fact, he was the opposite. He constantly got in trouble for sleeping during lessons and he didn't like to listen to the teachers since he knew what he was doing anyways.

So it was a surprise to him when an eccentric guy came up to him and asked to be his friend. His hair was blond and his hair looked like if you touched it it would make a crunching noise. "I'm Hizashi Yamada! My quirk is called voice, pretty much allowing me to increase the volume of my voice along with changing the tone to go higher! What's yours?" He asked, almost impatiently, but not in a rude way. More like, wanting to get to know him more.

"Shota Aizawa, my quirk erases quirks..." he looked down as the other young man looked interested to know more. "That's an amazing quirk! We should be friends!" He put his hands on his desk, Aizawa looking up at him in disbelief. "Jokes over, you can leave." He looked into his eyes and pulled a book out. "Come oooonnnn, I want to be friends, I want to get to know you more." He sat at the desk in front of him. "I pinky promise." He put one hand out that was holding his pinky up and the other over his heart.

Aizawa looking at him as if he was a child, but still agreeing to the pinky promise raising his up to the others. "Fine, but why do you want to be my friend?" He looked at him, taking his hand away from the others. "Cause you look pretty rad to be honest." Hizashi's hands went to his waist.

"Gee thanks." Aizawa sarcastically smirked.

*current day*

Hizashi was teaching Aizawa's class, the bell rang and he reminded them they have a test soon. He sighed, knowing none of them were listening when Aizawa poked his out from under his desk. "Oh, hi Aizawa! How was your nap?" He looked down at him and sat in his desk. "Shut up its to early for this." Aizawa sat on his chair and put his head in Hizashi's lap,  in a friendly manner.

Hizashi played with his hair sighing. "You ok?" Aizawa snuggled into him more. "Yeah I'm fine. Just feel relaxed around you." He smiled and tangled his fingers in hair and gently untangle his fingers. Aizawa didn't say anything, falling asleep in his lap. "If only he knew..." he whispered and let out a small, quiet sigh.

About an hour later and Aizawa woke up to the sweet smell of flowers due to Hizashi's perfume (that's one of my personally favorite head cannons). He looked up to see a tired present mic, he was listening to something, maybe a podcast or his favorite playlist?

"What are you listening to?" He looked up at him, raising his head and putting his it on his hand. "Huh? Oh just editing my podcast is all." He took his headphones out. "It's getting late, we should go to our dorms." Hizashi got up and walked out of the room.

*later that night*

"HE DID WHAT?!" Kayama yelled through the phone. "I know right!" He whisper yelled, knowing the consequences if he yelled like Kayama. "I wish I told him but... I got nervous so I told him it was getting late." He sighed, defeated.

"Well don't you have night patrol with him tonight?" She already sounded like she was planning something, but Hizashi beat her to it. "Yeah, we do." His face lite up, "I have to go, I need to get ready." He said as he hung up, going to the bathroom to fix his hair and to go to Aizawa's dorm but Aizawa beat him to it. "You ready?" Aizawa looked up at him. "Ready!" He finger gunned him.

He nodded and started for the elevator, which was surprising because he was very claustrophobic and hated elevators. They walked in and pressed the first floor button and as they went down it stopped, but not at the floor they wanted. The lights flickered and turned off. The elevator was stuck. "Oh fuck me." He groaned and hit his head on the elevator wall. Hizashi sighed and sat down in the other corner to give him room. "Hold on I'll call for he-" as he was saying that his phone was dead.

"Do you have your phone on you?" Hisashi looked up at him and he checked his pockets. "I knew something felt off." He punched the wall. "Aizawa breathe. We'll get out, someone will notice we're gone and the elevator not working. Someone will help us, for now all we can do is stay calm." He stood up and grabbed Aizawa's hand felt there was some blood. He sighed and ripped a part of his shirt to use as a bandage.

Aizawa shakily sighed and latched himself onto Hizashi. Hizashi held him and played with his hair. "Hizashi..." Aizawa holding onto him more. "S-sorry." He stopped playing with his hair. "No, not that. Could you distract me?" He shakily asked and he thought about it. "Let's sit down." He stated and sat down with Aizawa on his lap now and Hizashi playing with his hair.

He quietly started to sing talk to much by coin. As he sang Aizawa put his head in the crook of Hizashi's neck. He smiled and when he was done with that one he sang someone to you by banners. He continued to sing love song after love song. "Someone's obsessed with love songs tonight." Aizawa bluntly said.

"Yup, and you wanna know why?" Hizashi was a bit shaky himself now and Aizawa nodded. "Cause I'm in love with you." He sighed as he finished his sentence, feeling a slight bit of relief.

"Really?" He asked. "Have I lied to you before?" Hizashi looked up to the ceiling his heart pounding. "I..." he stopped himself and just kissed him. Hizashi's eyes lite up and soon kissed back. They soon broke and looked into each other's eyes / where they thought they're eyes were due to it being pitch black.

"Let's go to sleep for now, ok?" He smiled at the gloomy boy. "Okay..." he closed his eyes and put his head back to the crook of his neck and they fell asleep.


The kids were watching as the person was working on the elevator and finally got it to work. And when it opened they saw a sleeping Aizawa and Hizashi. "SERO YOU OWE ME 10 YEN! Mina shouted to Sero, who huffed and grabbed his wallet giving her the money. Due to the shouting, the grown men woke up and saw the door was open. Quickly getting off of each other, blushing like crazy.

I hope you enjoyed!

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