How Void met Ranboo

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With Mash and Daisy.....

The two smile, they lay on the couch kissing each other

Mash: It's the ninth month.

Daisy- I know... I camt wait~

She kisses him again

Mash smiles*

Ash feeds Sibux*

In Bash's room.....

Bash sweats with lust as he thrusts in Cherry's rear

Cherry moans*

Cherry- Bash..... Bash....

Bash: Yes... Yes...

Cherry- Oh Bash... Cl--claim me....~

Bash: I will....

Cherry- Ah... Uh.... Uh...

Bash is close*

Cherry- Oh... Oh.... Bash... Im close....

Bash: Me too...

Cherry moans lously. Cherry- B-Bash... Kiss me....

Bash kisses her*

Cherry- Mmmm

Cherey kisses him back

Bash thrusts more and then he came*

Cherry moaned softly and collapses

Bash lays by her*

Cherry- Wow Bash....

Bash smiles and snuggles her*

Cherry snuggles him....

In Void's lair.....

In their room Vexa makes out with Icthior

Ichthior enjoys it*

Vexa- Oh.... Icthior...

Void is on his throne petting Coal as he looks at the bubble watching over the heroes*

Void: I'll get my crown back for sure. And that stupid cat will be executed.

Vero coos to him how did he met and used Ramboo as a slave.

Void- Thats a good question went something lile this.....


Void is in his Crocodragon*

Vexa- Daddy ! Where we goiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing ?!

Void: To find more slaves sweetie.

Vexa whimpers and snuggles him making him chuckle.before they made it to the Minecraft world

Void: Hmmm, the Minecraft world.

Vexa- Ooh ! They landed and exit.

Aku: Interesting place dad.

Void- I see....

???- Well well well if it aint the grumpy snake Void himself

Void looks*

He looks and sees a cute mysterious boy with a smile mask amd a green jacker with a black hoodie

Void: Dream.

Dream- Hello Void.

Void: Long time no see

Dream- I can say the same to you

Void: I see.

Dream- So waht brings you here

Void: I need new slaves.

Dream- Well you came to the right place ! I captured a special slave. He is a hybrid of our deadly Enderman and our pale Ghastly

Void: Ooh.

Dream- Follow me.

He is ome of my special slaves~

They follow him*

They mad eit to his lair.

Dream- Here we are

They see he has captured lots of Endermans , Ghastlies , humans , amd Creepers

Void: Impressive

Dream makes it to a special cell and smirks

Dream- Here we are

Void looks*

They look and see a hybrid of Enderman and a Ghastly half of his body is black and has a green eye and the half of his body is white with a green eye

Void confused: He kinda looks like a cat.

Ranboo lools and gasped.

Dream- That's just the Ghastly side of him.

Void: I see, what does he do?

Dream- He can understand the Enderman language even outsid eof the Enderman State , he has powerful strentgh that can pick up the toughest stone , he can teleport , he has elemental powers and telekinesis...

Void: He's perfect, I'll take him.

Ranboo- Dream-- No , not again , PLEASE not again you promised !

Dream- Im sorry Ranboo. But Void is the perfect client for your work.

Ranboo whimpers.

1 momth later....

Void relaxes on his throne as he is getting his feet massaged*

Ramboo was merging magic serums

Void: Ah... This is nice...

Vexa- Daddy that is SO cringe right now

Void pinches her cheek: Your my special little girl.

Vexa blushes

Vexa- Daddy !!!

Void puts his crown on his head: With my brother's crown on my head, I am unstoppable....

Ranboo looks for a.minute and sees the crown.

Vexa- Daddy why must you wear uncle Darkness crown ?

Void: It gives me greater powers.

Ranboo listens

Void: I will use it for doomsday to take over the seven galaxies...

End of flashback*

Void: But that stupid cat took it from me!!

Nega Death- Dont worry Dad. Well get it back!

Void smiles at his kids. 

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