Fighting the monster

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The next day, the kids are asleep after partying*

In Jenny's house....

She is asleep snuggling Spike

Spike smiles in his sleep*

In the Weaselings Palace......

Then they see Arabella sleeping as the babies crawl all over her cooing

Malikai: Freddy.

All the babies look at them

They grab their babies*

The baboes whimper

Tigs: Sis, you need to make us coffee now, tonight we need to get ready.

Arbaella-( Sleepily ) No. You stupid weasels are all ungrateful bastards. All og. All you care about is Maisie amd.those punks you don't appreciate my cooking. I slave away making use y'all happy. You think.Im ? Wait til.ylal find out I ain't your sister

Malikai facepalms: I got this sibs. *raspberries her belly*

Arabella wakes up screaming And laughing

Malikai smiles

Arabella looks at him

Malikai: You ready to make coffee?

Arabella- Dont facepalm me !

Malikai nibbles her belly next*

Arabella screaks and giggles

Jason: Com'on man I need my coffee.

Arabella screams and giggles

Jason: Com'on man I need my coffee.

Arbaella looked and gasped.

Arabella- Big muscle bro ! Im so sorry !

Arabella zoomed over and snuggles him

Jason smiles*

Arabella- Okay fine. Ur my cute baby weasel bro !

Back with the kids....

The kids have breakfast*

Maisie: Thank you for making us breakfast Satan Jr.

Satan Jr- No problem

Tito: So you guys remember the plan tonight?

Wither- Yep

Cake: Time to face the big one.

Muskrat- Yeah

Later at night*

Isaac: Now that we have a sacrifice, our true father will come.

Shrimp: *whispers to Tito* Now?

Tito: Now. *blows the whistle loud*

Blitzo hears

Blitzo- Thats the signal ! Now !

The weaselings, the Zetis and the imp gang came out*

Malachi: Outlanders!

Blitzo- You think we are scared of a bunch of children ? Well guess what brats ?! Big mistake on killing those grownups !

Zor: Sigh, you guys messed up big time.

Zoey- Lets just end thìs already. By the end of this Ill be in the mood for something sweet

Malachi: Kill the outlanders!

Blitzo- I got this ginger boy !

Blitzo tackles Malachi and starts fighting him on the ground

The others fight the kids*

Isaac: He's coming, I can feel him...

Muskrat- What now ?

The ground rumbles*

Tito- Oh boy here He comes

The ground rises, it falls apart revealing the monster*

Zell: Ugh, he looks like a misshapen ugly monster!

Muskrat- Holy shit !

Tito- Lets just hope thats just his beasy form

Maisie turns into her raptor form and roars at the monster*

The monster whacks Maisie to the wall making her out cold*

Blitzo- Maisie !

Claw: Hey! Nobody does that to one of our pack!

Claw, Sharp and Paul attack the monster*

Tigs: Malikai, where's Rexy?

Malikai: I'll find her! *leaves*

Neo-( To Tito ) You know if you and youe demon herd want to help you could

Tito: Face that thing? What can it do to us?

The tentacles of the monster came and grabbed Ice Cube*

Ice cube: Ah! It's got me!

Yang glares and groans.

Yang- Dont anybody move at once.

Tang summons out her Ember Celica Gauntlets and uses her super punch on it before Blake takes out her Gambol Shroud scythe and slices it

Tito: Let's take out those tentacles sibs!

Blaze- Finally !

They start cutting the tentacles*

The monster throws Sharp, Claw, and Paul away, it growls at the heroes*

Neo- Paul !

Yang & Blake- Claw/Sharp !

They heard a roar, Malikai came back with Rexy*

Arbaella- Bro. You are the worst. Why are you here ?

Malikai: Thought I bring backup sis. *Pinches her cheek*

Arbaella blushes and pushes him away.

Arabella- Well nobody asked you.

The trex and Monster roared as they start attacking*

The kids make it over to the grown ups as the RWBY girls help the boy raptors out

Monster overpowers Rexy as Blitzo looms at his friends

Blitzo: Run !

They run away from the fight*

The raptors boys are in pain as they watched, the monster pins Rexy to the ground, before he could finish her off, they heard a raptor bark*

Maisie in her raptor form came*

Then they gang up in the fight as Arbaella watches

Jason: Whoa!

Claw looks: Now that's a raptor!

Yang looks.

Tatyana rolls her eyes and shoved Jason from her

Jason dips her and gives her a hot kiss, Tatyana kisses him back*

Rexy threw Monster to the building, Maisie jumped on the monster's face clawing it, Rexy dragged the monster to the River, the monster gets up angrily as the three roared*

Then a demon worm like monster pops up from the depths of Hell and grabs the mosnter real hard and drags him down.

Everyone cheers

Maisie pants*

Tito- We did it ! 

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