Zim with Kimora

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Back with Zim....

Zim is eating while Gir runs around*

Gir- Whee whoo whee whoo whee whoo whee whoo !

Zim: Gir, please I'm eating.

Gir- Okey.

Zim couldn't stop thinking about Princess Kimora

Zim: I wonder what happened to her?

???- Well well well... We meet again Zim

Zim: Huh?

He looks and sees Tak glaring at him as she is on her PAK spider legs

Zim: Tak! What are you doing here?!

Tak- Isnt it obvious Zim ? Revenge !

Zim growls: You failed to take over earth last time! I'll stop you last time!

Tak- Oh Zim. Poor short stupid imcompetent Zim.... I get to people by taking somwthing they value ! And I do have someone you mighy know...

Zim: Huh?

One of her other spider legs came out holding the scared Princess Kimora who se hands are cuffed in space cuffs and her mouth is silenced

Zim gasped: Kimora!

Zim glares as he takes out his PAK spider legs as Kimora whimpers. Tak snickers

Zim: Let her go or else!

Tak- Ha. Or else what Zim ? Or else what ? Try me

Zim fights her

Tak cackles as she fights him Zim is careful not to hurt Kimora. Kimora whimpers

Zim: Gir! Grab Kimora from her!

Gir quickly grabs Kimora

Gir- Yay ! I got thw princess !

Zack kicks Tak out of the house: Leave and never come back!

Tak growls and leaves hurt.

Zim helps uncuff Kimora

Zim: Kim, are you okay?

Kimora- Zim ! 

Kimora hugs hom

Zim hugs her back*

Kimora- Zim... I was so worried....

Zim: It's okay.

Kimora- I was worried about you... You've been gone for so long....

Zim: I was stranded here on Earth.

Kimora- I missed you so much....

Zim: Me too.

Later at night, the kids are at the party*

Maisie: I wish Jenny would have come here.

Tito- Si

Claw: Hey, those girls need a dance, they feel kinda bored.

Sharp: No I'm not doing it, you do it.

A girl with wavy red hair is talking to a girl with short brown hair with bangs

Claw: You dance with them!

Paul came: Did somebody say dance? Break it down!

Ash looks: This is hilarious.

The girls looked at them

Claw facepalms: Look at Paul dance like that.

The girls giggle

Maisie looks: That looks fun.

Paul: Congaaaaaaaa!

Paul grabs the firdt girl

Girl 1- Oh !

Dice: Sweet! Conga time!

Back with Jenny....

Jezebel comes in whining as Jenny pets her

Blue snuggles Jezebel*

Jezebel smiles. Jenny sighs

Spike holds her hand*

Jenny looks

Spike: At least this Malachi jerk is not here to touch you.

Jenny- Awwww are you jealous ?~

Spike: Maybe.

Jenny- Come on~

Spike blushes*

Jenny- Were you?~

Spike: A little...

Jenny- Awww come here~

Spike hugs her*

Jenny hugs him back and looks at him

Spike kisses her cheek*

Jenny smiles and kisses his nose making him smile.

Back with Parfait and Lauren..

Parfait takes Lauren home*

They walk to her steps.

Lauren-( Smiles ) This is my home. The De Luvierte Palace

Parfait: Wow!

Lauren- Mhm

Lauren giggles

Parfait smiles*

Lauren- Im glad I met you Parfait Weaseling

Parfait smiles: You too.

The door opens as she smiled amd looks at Parfait.

Lauren- Will I see you again tomorrow ?

Parfait: Of course!

Lauren giggles

Parfait kisses her cheek*

Lauren giggles and went in her castle as Parfait sighs lovingly

With Zim x Kimora...

Zim is having dinner with Kimora*

Kimora blushes

Zim: Oh, the tallest will be happy to see you!

Kimora- How are they by the way ?

Zim: They're doing good!

Kimora- That's good. How have you been?

Zim: Doing okay.

Kimora blushes

Zim smiles*

Gir: I'm dancing like a monkey!

Zim remembers her she was trying to be mated with some of the invaders befpre theyre gone

Zim: Hey Kim, about your choosening of a mate?

Kim- Hm.. Oh.. I... I couldn't choose any of them...

Zim: I see.

Kim- Because I found someone else...

Zim: Me?

Kimora-( Blushes ) Yes...

Zim smiles: Awesome!

Kimora-( Blushes ) And to be honest... I fell in love with you eger since Ive met you

Zim smile and blushes*

Kimora puts him on her lap

Zim: Oh!

Kimora kisses his lips

Zim blushes and kisses her back*

Kimora- Mmm.... 

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