Beige talks to Void

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 In Hell.....

Laila walks down the sidewalk feeling bummed out

Laila- Man I always get treated lile this !

Nifty: Hi Laila!

Laila- Hi Nift....

Nifty: What's wrong?

Laila- Everything... Im miserable. Im stucm in Hell for nothing ! I havent gotten noticed. I try to talk to the Hero Kids but they treated me like Im invisible , single , made fun of for being an only sheep demon.

Nifty: Yeah, but I'm still a kid.

Laila- Youre 21

Nifty: Oh, right!

Laila- I just feel underappreciated....

Nifty: Maybe we should find those kids.

Laila- Why ? I already know what will happen anyway

Nifty: They might say sorry to you

Laila- fine.

In Void's lair....

Ifrit did experiments on the crown and nodded.

Ifrit- Yep. It's the same

Void: Good. *sniffs the crown* I want to make sure if it has brother's scent on it.

It does.

Void: It has.

Alfred: So you plan to let Parcy go?

Void: Hmmm... Nah. I don't want to. *holds Parcy* I've grown quite fond to little Parcy, she is like a daughter to me.

In the Palace.......

Ora bursts out crying aloud

Terrorsaur hugs her: Shhhh, it's okay sweetie.

Ora- How is it okay when Void PROMISED he would give Parcy back to me one day and now decides to keep MY kwami from me ( Cries ) Why did you have to go and steal her away ?!

Beige: I'm sure I can talk to boss and see what I can do.

Ora- But because of you three I just lost my Kwami FOREVER !!!

Ora flies away

Terrorsaur: Ora wait! Waspy help me get to her!

Waspy grabs Terrorsaur and they fly off*

Beige turns on the screen*

Void: What do you want Beige?

Beige: Look, Ora is really devastated without Parcy, can you please bring her back to her?

Void: Look, I still need her to akumatize the rest of my jewelpets, and at the season finale when I free Nibiru and get the seventh infinite stone, I'll akumatize Smarty last and give Parcy back to her owner.

Beige: Boss, please, I need to cheer Ora up.

Void sighs: Okay, Parcy, I decided to increase your visit for 7 hours.

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