Maisie meets Isaac

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Back with Maisie, she and Bunnicula arrived at the town where the adults mind their own business*

Maisie: This town is quite nice, but it's strange why the adults are not harvesting the corn out there, have you eaten corn before Bun bun?

Bunnicula shook his head

Maisie: Yeah, I guess you have a point. *parks her motorcycle and gets off* Want me to buy carrots for you?

Bunnicula nodded

Maisie went in the store*

A boy with ginger hair and brown shirt and pants sees her, Maisie looks around for carrots*

The adults talk

Maisie doesn't notice: *sees the carrots* Ah here we go. *puts them in the basket and went to the clerk*

The other kids came in with hidden weapons

Maisie pays the clerk: Here you go sir.

Clerk- Thank you young lady. Have a nice day.

Maisie waves and leaves, but she sees kids with weapons*

Maisie: Why would kids have weapons here?

Bunnicula- Bajababa ?!

Maisie: Must be a coincidence. *as she sits on the bench and gives Bunnicula carrots* Here you go Bun bun.

Bunnicula sniffs and takes a bite

Bunnicula sucks the carrot juice*

The boy sneaks up to Maisie*

Bunnicula looks and yells as he points

Maisie: What is it?

The boy covers her mouth and holds her, Maisie muffled yells and the boy takes her away*

Bunnicula follows her*

Bunnicula- Huh ?

Back with the kids.....

Jenny- At least they're not mad at ya

Spike: Whew, yeah I got lucky by your grandpa.

They see Tito and the pthers at the park

Tito: Now that we finished our chores, we can hang out with Maisie. 

Wither: Crush is with his girlfriend.

Priscilla-( Glares ) You guys always hang out with her

Snips: Hey, she plays with our babies honey, plus she helped you babysit the babies

Priscilla - And I appreciate that. But its like the only reason you want the rest of us allowed is because you only care about Maisie

Tito: Well strange she wasn't at her home cause she's the only one who has access to the surface, so Blitz let us use the book.

Priscilla-( Rolls her eyes ) Of course he did....

Jenny- Hey guys

Tito: Hola Jenny.

Alpine, Scott and Duncan arrived with Alejandro*

Priscilla , Grace , Night , Porsha , Grenfitta , Jenny- Ooh la la !~

Cake: Of course, the hot Spanish dude is back.

The girls all zoomed over and fangirl

Alejandro smiles: Hola ladies.

Girls- Hi Alejandro !~

Troy facepalms*

Spike: So where's Maisie*

Priscilla- Who cares ?~

Grenfitta- Yeah I wanna stare at this spicy hispanic all day ~

Tito: Don't worry guys, she'll turn up any minute now.

Back with Maisie, she is taken inside the building where there are candles lit*

???: Where have you two been?

Drake: Chill out Isaac, me and my brother Satan Jr were riding on my new horse.

Isaac- Good...

Malachi: Issac, I got a new kid.

Drake- Maisie ?

Satan Jr- What is she doing here?

Maisie: Satan Jr? Drake?

Isaac: You know her?

Drake: Yeah, I have no interest in her anymore, but my brother Satan Jr likes her.

Satan Jr kisses Maisie's hand*

Maisie: Oh!

Isaac- Indeed

Malachi: So what should I do with her? Kill her?

Maisie shows her raptor claws: Try to do that, and I'll claw your face off.

Isaac: Ah, another raptor.

Maisie: Wait, another?

Isaac- Yes

Satan Jr: What are you suggesting?

Isaac: She will join the other three raptors, and you Satan Jr will keep an eye on her.

Maisie: What do you want with me anyway?

Isaac- Oh you'll see.... 

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