Samartha meets Blue fangs and Beige's good news

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Back with Jenny , her mother dropped her home and she angrily and stressed destroys some of her things

Spike arrives at her door with flowers*

Jenny sees and takes a deep breath before answering

Jenny- Yes ?

Spike holds the flowers: Got these for you.

She gently takes them.

Jenny- thanks.....

Spike: Look, Arabella told me to get my act together, and we still need you. Maisie was just upset we're falling apart.

Jenny- Look. Its not just that. And Im over the drama. Its bad enough. Im not a normal toon like you all. Im different. And besifes those fact it doesnt change how Im pregnant

Spike holds her hands: I still love you babe.

Jenny- Im sorry I yelled at you amd called ya a joke.

Spike: I forgive you.

Jenny- Look. Im not getting myself involved with Maisie ever again. I care for her and I forgive her but I'm not dealing with this stress anymore especially now that I'm pregnant. Whatever happens it'll be on her. If she thinks she doesn't need me and thinkd shes fully grown then let her deal with them but Im not getting involved....

Spike: Well she probably regrets yelling at you.

Jenny- I don't care about her yelling at me.... ( Tears up ) I... I just dont want to care anymore but I cant.... Because I have friends and Im having a baby... I just cant...

Spike hugs her*

Jenny is shocked

Spike: It's just the mood swings babe.

Jenny tears up as her cheeks turn red hugging him back.

Jenny- I..... I dont know how am I going to do this... Being a parent is a huge step for me...

Spike: We can get through this.

Jenny smiles a little and hugs him and smuggles him.

With Void....

Theyre all having dinmer

Void: Mmmmm.

Iblis: So dad, where's Blue fangs?

Void: He told me he's going to meet Samartha.

Vexa-(Hyper ) Daddy ? You're a disgrace to the entire family !

Void: Oh somebody is going to get the nibbles....

Vexa- Daddy.... No

Void: Okay just don't call me a disgrace again. 

Aku: So how is Parcy with Ora? 

Void: She only had two more hours left

Vexa- Daddy you were gonna give me nibbles ! Not a punishment ! You still scare me especially after the last episode you flipled.out throwing and breaking stuff

Void looks at her: Okay you asked for them. *Nibbles her belly*

Vexa bursts into laughter.

Vexa- Someone help me !!!!

They chucked

Then the rest of the children hear nibbling

Vero coos*

They all look and see its coming from the cake dessert

They went to it

Then the cake burats revealing to be the babies

They jumped*

Vero smiles: Bah bah! (Surprise!)

The other babies giggle.

Ifrit: Kids!

Dark Gaia: Your covered in cake!

Vero sticks his tongue put at them

Void stops nibbling: Okay kids, let's clean these kids up.

Aku: Yes dad.

Back with Parcy, she snuggles Ora

Ora- Im glad I get to see you again Parcy

Parcy: Me too!

Beige came in: Ora, great news!

Ora- Yes ?

Beige: Void was talking to me and he said he's going to release Parcy next episode for sure after he makes an akuma and amok to make clones.

Ora- Really ?!

Beige: Yes really!

Terrorsaur: Hazzah!

Ora's tail feathers wag happily as she snuggles Parcy

Ora- Oh thank God!

Parcy: Yay!

Waspy: I guess boss did kept his promise.

Beige: Yeah!

Back with Samartha*

She walks down the trail*

Blue Fangs sees her

Samartha sees a flower and smells it*

Blue Fangs sneaks up on her

Samartha: This smells lovely.

He them quickly grabs her

Samartha: Ah!

Blue Fangs- Hello my dear

Samantha looked at the dark demon: Who are you?

Blue Fangs- I am Blue Famgs

Samartha gets free: It's nice to meet you, but I need to get going now.

Blue Fangs- No. You're so attractive~

Samartha: Huh?

He licks her cheek

Samartha: Oh!

Blue Fangs- You're so beautiful like a snapdragon...

Samartha is nervous*

Blue Fangs- Dont worry. I'll go easy on you.

Back with the kids ( Except Spike and Jenny ) Made it back with the adults

Tito: Okay, we're ready to continue with the plan.

Troy- Remember 10 minutes. I dont want to get whipped by Arabella !

Muskrat: Right. 

Children of the cornTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon