Nervously Calm

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Asaashi POV
After we left Astumu's room I decided to text my...person I'm talking to.Its very confusing because we haven't made it official we hang out time to time when we're not busy,but we never just talked about our relationship situation.
                  Asaashi's phone
B:Work I miss you tho
B:what?it's the truth tho.
A:How about we hang tomorrow??
B:Asaashi I would love to but my boss has me working tonight 🥺
A:Aww that's ok we can always meet up another time.
B:How about the day after tomorrow?
A:I'm free

I closed my phone and just smiled. Bokuto-san is such a good man it's scary. He's so perfect that it he doesn't seem perfect. I don't know if he's hiding something from me or not but I can feel it's something.

I went to sleep because I know this evening was going to be rough to deal with.Mafia bosses coming over here sounds like a nightmare.

In the evening.

We had been joking and playing around all day just to cope with the fact that we were all scared shitless. This mafia is the most ruthless in Japan they could kill us just for looking at them the wrong way.

Osamu had bought us all some cute dresses to chose from to wear tonight. I chose a black dress, Astumu close yellow,Oikawa chose a blue dress,Kenma chose orange, Tendou red, Suna chose a red also, Suga chose green, and I chose a navy blue dress.

We all had a sit down before we went downstairs going over how to act, and we closed our meeting off with a prayer by Suga.

While we were upstairs nervous we heard the down open a lot of times. We also heard a lot of deep male voices and I was terrified.


We all shaked as we got up and held hands one the way downstairs.All the people downstairs were staring at us walking down the stairs which made me nervous er than I already was.I then saw Bokuto-san and we looked at each other in shock.


"Wait you know him?"some roster haired man said.

"Akaashi that's who you were talking to?"Suga asked concerned

"Yeah,I looked down."mad that I feel for his lies.Mad that I thought someone good would ever want me. Mad that I trusted and feel in love with him. Just mad at myself for being and idiot.

"Akaashi we'll talk later."I gave him a death stare.

"Anyway I want tendou."Ushijima said  with lack of emotion coming from his sentence.

"Huh?"Suna said surprised

"Wait,Is this some type of auction??oh and hey Iwa chan "

"Hey Oikawa."

"Omi...What does your boss mean by he wants ten ten."

"Exactly what it sounds like. Join this gang we have to know if you'll be loyal to us if not the we'll kill you without a second of hesitation."

"That's cruel,Look I don't know you guys nor do I want to,I don't even know how we go caught up in this mafia mess but,we don't want to join we just want to go home I'm nor my pack are interested in your mafia please leave us the hell alone and let us go home."Kenma said and we looked at him in shock.

"Ha,a pack full of omegas???how the hell does that even work?"Roster head said

"How do you know were not alphas in disguise??"Astumu said with his tongue sticking out.

"Because we can smell you,and one of you are having a-a heat right now."After Bokuto-san said that he looked up at me and my face was turning red.

"I...I need my pills." I ran up stairs took one and came back downstairs.

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