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Sakusa POV
I left atsumu at the house while I drove to the hideout. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care about him. He's kind, funny, goofy, clingy, annoying, hopeless romantic, and he has a fat ass. Ew I think I'm falling for him. These past few weeks we have been getting super close. We hang out and I haven't brought a bitch home since that night. As I was thinking about Atsumu I unlocked the secret garage to the hideout with my finger print and parked my car. I got out the car and walked into the meeting room where everybody was already.

"Your late." Osamu said yawning.

"I know I had some stuff I needed to take care of."

"Or someone." Kuroo said with a smirky look.

"Oh shut it."

"Ahem." Ushijima said clearing his throat.

"What up boss man?" Bokuto stupid ass said.

"We are here to discuss a very important matter. Osamu."

"Yes I already took care of the rat."

"That's not the only issue. Friday marks the first right?" Ushijima said getting up from the table we were at and walked to the window.

"Yes." Iwazumi replied.

"That's the first day of drug gore is that not?"

"Shit!" Bokuto said growling like a wild animal.

"I forgot all about that." Osamu said scratching his head. Drug gore is the mark of the first day we sell drugs. It's a competition between which one of us can sell the most drugs and make the most money. I've only ever won once because Ushijima wins almost every year. He's unbeatable.

"Thanks for reminding us but what's the issue man-" Kuroo said while getting cut off.

"It's canceled this year."

"WHA???" Bokuto said.

"Canceled??" Dachi said with a confused look.

"Yes that's what I decided."

"But why?" Dachi asked.

"Because one of my drug suppliers for the event was attacked by some foreign gang."

"Wait when?" Iwazumi asked.

"Yesterday. Someone set up my men. Either that or someone leaked there information and where about s to a foreign gang."

"Who the hell you think did it boss?" I said in a concerned voice.

"I don't know but it's safe to say it's definitely not any of you."

"Damn so we really have to rats." I said in a stone cold face.

"Tell no one about this. Just relax the rat will show himself through time. But for now go do your duties and keep a low head." Ushijima said with a calm voice.

"Yes sir." Kuroo said.

We all got up from our chairs and walked to our cars. Once I got in the car I followed behind everyone else. Ushijima opened the gate up and everyone followed him. After we watched it close we all drove our separate ways. I had some "duties" to do before returning home so I went ahead and did them. All of a sudden Atsumu called me.

Sakusa: Whatt?
Atsumu: I miss you
Sakusa: I haven't even been gone for 3 hours yet.
Atsumu: I know but come home please I don't feel safe.
Sakusa: Atsumu you just woke up.
Atsumu: I know but I'm scared.
Sakusa: I'll be home later ok. There's food in the fridge.
Atsumu: Butttt-

I hang up on him because he was starting to work my nerves. I have patience but with him I don't wanna be patient. I want him to do stuff when I say it and how I say it. No questions asked. I like being dominant.

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