Let me show you

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Ushijiama POV
I can't believe I'm having a rut infront of tendou right now. I released him out of my grip and ran to the bedroom to grab my pills. My mind felt extremely fuzzy and warm. I was scared what I might do to Satori if I had stayed. As I was taking my pills Satori walked into the room and looked at me with a concerned look.

"Ushi are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine now Satori. I should go-"

"No. Stay. Cook a meal together!"

"A meal?"

"Yeah! What do you like to eat??"

"I like to eat Italian Pasta. My mom used to make it for me when I was a kid."

"Ok so pasta it is!" He smiled so bright and dragged me into the cabin's kitchen. I wasn't very big but it was big enough for us to make pasta. He made me get all the ingredients out of the pantry and refrigerator and measure it. I didn't mind because it reminded me of what me and my mom used to do as kids before she fell extremely ill.  Before I knew it I got lost in thought and my eyes started to get watery.

"Ushi are you ok??"

"Huh?" I said as I wiped my tears from my eyes.

"Awww baby what's wrong??" He stopped pour the ingredients into the mixing bowl and walked over to me. He pulled me into his shoulder for a hug. I started to smile a little and quickly pulled out of his embrace.

"Well that was 'eventful'. Let's finish this pasta."

"Are you su-"

"Yes Tendou. I'm sure. I'm fine. I just got flashbacks of my youth."

"Ha. You say that as you're not currently 24."

"I'm a grown ass man now, that's the difference."


"Don't mention my crying to anyone."

"I wasn't gonna." He stuck his tongue out at me. We put all the ingredients together and made the dough and pasta sauce from scratch. After we did all the hard work we just made regular pasta with Satori's secret ingredient that made the dish taste amazing. We ate the food and watched whatever Tendou put on. The show was very interesting and entertaining. After we finished dinner we washed our dishes and Satori headed to bed. I told him good night and left the cabin.

As much as I wanted to spend the night with Satori I had other business I needed to take care of. As in a rat. I called iwazumi to a secret dump off location and we met up.

"Hey Wakatoshi."

"Hello Iwazumi. Did you figure out the rat yet?"

"Yes. I spotted him out with his omega today as well."

"What is his name?"

"Kageyama Tobio 19 years old, and is He's currently working under both Kuroo and Osama. All I was about to uncover was his connections with our rival gang 'Warzone' and how he met up with there leader last week. Around the same time our information got leaked. He has no family alive but he has a lover who is an Omega 18 year old Shoyo Hinata."

"That's why you're my favorite business partner Iwazumi. The two of us get shit done. Consider me impressed." I smirked. Never did I think Iwazumi could get me this much information in a day.

"I was only doing my job." He smirked back.

"If I may ask though Wakatoshi what do you plan on doing with the boy? Because although he's a traitor his boyfriend Shoyo is very interconnected with Kenma who is very attached to Kuroo who is attached to Bokuto who is attached to Akaashi. Who is ultimately attached to your beloved Tendou.."

Haikyu Mafiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें