Tripple Kill!

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The imposters were chosen and everyone was released at the lobby in the game. So what else would the player do then walk around and then try to solve their task and maybe try not getting killed in the process too.

Ejiro: See everzone usuallz goes right at a map! People go right on the map and I don't like it bro! I alwazs go left.

Denki: Where do you want to go then?

Ejiro: I don't know.

Mina: Pika! Pika! 

Denki: Yeah?

Mina: Come here! Come here! Me and you! Me and you!

Denki: Okay, guys, guys back up! It's just us!

While he said that a whole swarn of people tried to follow them to the left away from the right where basically everyone went.

Sero: Alright.

Jiro: Okay.

Mina: Come with me!

So the two of them started going of while a third one started to go with them. It was no other than Mineta.

Denki: YO Yo Yo! Why are you keeping following us?

Mineta: Ah no damn reasons.

Mina: Pika, if it is you... you can kill him and I will cover.

Denki: Oh really?

Mina: Yeah!

Mineta: OHHHH!!!!

Jiro: I think that would everyone do.

Uraraka: Yup.

Hagakure: Count me in.

Denki: It's not me tho. It's you.

Mina: It's not me. I thought it was you.... well felt it.

Denki: It's actually really not me. If it would be me, I would have definitelly killed him by now.

Mina: Huh... too bad.

Mineta: OHHHHHH!!!!

Just like that Mineta ran away from them in the game and joined the others in the lobby and went on to do some tasks. little did he know that two imposters followed him and the moment the three were in Admin, they killed him and left him be there while escaping the crime scene. No word was uttered, no laugh was made. It was as if nothing ever happened at all.

Tsu: Hello *ribbit*

The imposters split up and it was unfortunately Tsu who saw one of them and was in their path all alone. So the imposter did what every imposter would do and killed her. It was that moment that she shut up and just stared at her phone.

Tsu: This really is not fair! *ribbit*

Bakugo: For fucks sake!

Iida: Wait, where did everyone go? I was there. I was safe! There was soo many of you!

Izuku: Let's do chop chop chop chop! 

Uraraka: Not again!

Izuku: What? Sooner or later we will find a freaking dead body!

Ejiro: Bro why you exited?

Izuku: Because it's bloody hell and what is better than that?

Bakugo: Shut up!

Izuku: FUCK OFF!

Bakugo: Oh you wanna do it like this?

Izuku: Mate, you an imbecile that doesn't even understand that so what you wanna do mate?

Bakugo: ....

Mic: .....

It was at that moment that Mic's eyes were wide open. He never would have thought he would hear someone talking back at Bakugo and manage to shut him off. He was pretty sure Bakugo didn't know what imbecile meant at all.

Bakugo: The fuck is an imbecile?

Izuku: Literally you.

Mic: Pfffff.

Meanwhile the was a group all ogether standing close to a vent system.

Mina: Anyone wanna go down the vent with me?

Denki: Sure.

Sero: Sweet!

Mina: Alright!

Uraraka: Pfff....

It was just like that, that a group of 5 people stayed at the vent all one over the other and were standing there doing nothing.

Sero: Everyeone just crouch! 

Mina: Pfff.

It seemed at eveyerone expect that the imposter was with them but in fact all they were doing was just stand there doing nothing at all. None of them vented as the others hoped they would. While they were doing that, the light went down to 25% and they all had to go fix the light in order to see something in the game.

Of course the imposter didn't let that opportunity get wasted and started running around and managed to find someone in the storage room all alone. So they killed Kota.

Kota: Wha- What just happened?

Right after that the imposter ran back up and as they were running up one of the bodies, Kota's was found by Ojiro and the emergency meeting was about to start. 

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