Chapter 9

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Maria and Sophia make it to the funhouse, and shut the door.

Maria paces back and forth around the lobby, trying to remain cool, while Sophie whines hysterically:

"My god we're all gonna die!"

"Calm down Sophie, screaming isn't gonna help anything." Maria says.

Sophie just couldn't handle it, and ends up stammering:

"But we've got monsters out there looking for us! I knew this was a bad idea. We should've never come here and just left Liv to die! Jesus Christ please save us!"

Maria comes up at Sophie and slaps her in the face.

"Keep it together! Now look, I'm sure we'll make it out alive somehow. There's always a way."

"You think so?"

"Yes. I do."

Sophie sighs in relief, glad that there may be hope. But then she notices something suspicious.

"Hey, why is the door open?" She asks, and the two girls look at the entrance of the funhouse and realize...

Yes! The door is open.

Before they could ask how that would be possible, Peggy Parrot rises behind Sophie, and pulls her towards him. He bites the top of her head off, with blood spraying out.

Maria watches, lost for words and in complete terror. She tries to back away, but Eddie Elephant sneaks up behind her, and tackles her down to the ground.

He and Peggy start to feed on the screaming girls.


The janitor walks by when he hears the desperate cries of Sophie and Maria from the funhouse.

He makes his way over to the door and tries to open it.

It won't budge.

Then he tries to break it down with his shoulder.

It did nothing.

There's only one way to do it.

With one swift kick, the janitor sends the door flying right off its hinges.

But he's too late. There's nothing left of Sophie and Maria. They're both ripped to pieces. Eddie and Peggy are bathing in their blood, scarfing much of the girls as they can.

The two sense the janitor. They look up, blood soaking off their clothes and dripping from Peggy's jaws. They slowly get up, staring menacingly at him. He walks a few steps to them, not showing any signs of fear whatsoever.

"You lookin' for trouble buddy-boy?" Peggy asks in a typical parrot voice, cocking his head with a crank.

The janitor actually does respond. In the form of a big fat MIDDLE FINGER.

This pisses off big ol' Eddie.

He stomps towards the janitor and gives out a blow with his large fist. The janitor hits the wall. As he attempts to collect himself, Eddie begins to slap him silly with his trunk.

This elephant is fucking strong.

But his fighting skills don't really do shit to the Janitor.

He eventually stops Eddie by spraying his eyes with his Windex, making him shout, and then stomps on his foot. The pachyderm trumpets in pain, bounces around on his other foot while covering her eyes, shaking the room.

The janitor struggles to stand, before giving Eddie a haymaker, making him stop bouncing. He then gets a hold of his trunk, pulls real tight, and rips it right off. Eddie shrieks, sparks flying out of where his trunk used to be.

The silent man then grabs his mop, and stabs through the elephant's head, finally killing the bastard. The janitor pulls out the mop, and Eddie collapses to the ground.

Peggy Parrot comes charging at the man from behind, pins him to the wall, and begins scratching his chest with the tip of his beak.

The janitor feels pain, but can't give up now.

He grabs onto one of Peggy's wings and throws him against the wall. He then gives real hard punches to the bird's face.

This goes on until Peggy bites onto the man's fist. He pulls it out. Blood leaks out of his knuckles.

The parrot tries to snap at him, but the janitor grabs onto both of his jaws, and pulls to open them wide.

Peggy screeches and flaps his wings wildly as his beak widens even further. With all his strength, the man splits Peggy's head horizontally, and the bird's body drops dead.

The janitor feels pain from his bitten fist. It's completely covered in blood. He pulls out a towel and wipes it off of his hand.

He then stares at the remains of Maria and Sophie. A look on his face is saying "I'm sorry". He gives a half wave to them, and he leaves the funhouse.


Rebecca Rabbit is sitting down over at a bench, enjoying some organs she got from Jake on a platter. Unlike the other animals, she would kill her victims in less messy ways, and eat their remains more like a civilized being and not like a wild animal.

Leona Lion is kneeling down next to her, chatting away:

"Did you see the way that pretty boy screamed with joy when I bit him? It was super adorable! I tell ya, going out and meeting up with the townsfolk is such a delight. Just a shame we can't make no friends considering they always leave whenever we get ourselves a snack—"

"Alright I got it!" Rebecca orders. "Now be quiet will ya, I'm trying to enjoy myself here."

Leona sits down properly and keeps her mouth shut.

It wouldn't be until they hear Ozzie Ostrich calling out to them. They turn and see him carrying a big trash bag.

"You sure as tarnation ain't gonna believe what I found." He says, dropping the bag in front of the mammals.

Out of it comes the head of Toby Toad, rolling towards Rebecca's feet.

Leona shrieks and shivers in disgust. Rebecca just widens her eyes, still shocked by what she's seeing. She puts her food down, grabs the head and lifts it up, taking a closer inspection on what has become of the amphibian.

"Who would dare do such a thing?" She asks Ozzie.

"How should I know?" He responds. "Must be one of our visitors, but that never happens."

Rebecca could not believe this. She feels angry from the inside, but tries to keep her cool. She throws away Toby's head, and tells the others:

"Comeon. We're dealing with this right this instant."

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