Chapter 13

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The janitor stops over at Wally's Circus Show, realizing Liv's not at his side at last.

Where'd she go?

He looks around, trying to find where she went, until Rebecca Rabbit and Cammy Chameleon sneak up to the left and right of him.

"Hello again!" Cammy says.

The two puppets circle around the man, trying to make sure he doesn't escape.

He's not intending to do that however. He's waiting for a fight to occur.

"I've tried to be a calm little bunny, but you sir, along with that little girl, have seriously pushed me over the goddamn edge!" Rebecca hisses.

The janitor cracks his neck, getting ready for his attackers to make a move.

Cammy comes at him first.

She shoots her tongue at his legs. The Janitor grabs onto it and pulls, making her fall onto her face. He starts to stomp on her head, but gets stopped by Rebecca, who grabs him by the collar and pushes him aside.

He instantly gets up, and just as the rabbit's about to send a haymaker at him, he grabs her by the ears, yanks the fluffy magician airborne, and tosses her to the ground.

Rebecca attempts to get up, but the man jumps onto her and the two roll around in the ground.

We've got an epic struggle here.

Eventually, Cammy, who has gotten back up, shoots her tongue around the Janitor's neck and throws him into the wall of the circus tent. She walks over to him, pounds him in the stomach, and starts to choke him with her gloved hands.

Rebecca gets back on her feet, watches on, satisfied. "Yes, yes, bring him down my dear."

Suddenly however, Cammy hears a familiar voice in her head...

It's Chris:

"Violence really isn't the answer. The only times it is is when you are facing a monster of pure evil. You shouldn't kill innocent lives. Rather, the real enemy."

Cammy slowly stops strangling the janitor. Her angry red skin tones down. She starts to let go of him.

Rebecca is confused, then becomes irritated.

"What are you doing? Kill the bloody bastard!"

Once Cammy releases the man, he drops to the ground, feeling pain from his throat but is not dead. Cammy's skin returns to a fiery red color.

"Over my dead body." She says coldly.

Cammy turns and tangles her tongue around Rebecca's neck and tosses her aside. Then she lifts her head up, the hare punching and kicking wildly. The janitor watches the sudden brawl, a little confused. Cammy then shoots her tongue through one of Rebecca's eyes while digging her fingers into her cheeks. The bunny shouts in complete pain. Each part Cammy is penetrating is leaking a lot of blood. It is truly gruesome.

Eventually Rebecca can't take this amount of torture anymore. She grabs onto Cammy's tongue and rips it out of her mouth. It's now left dangling in the rabbit's eye socket, while Cammy's throat squirts out blood.

"I've had enough of your bull-shit!" Rebecca yells, before giving one hard blow to Cammy's muzzle, making her drop.

Rebecca then gets back up and starts limping towards the janitor, who's attempting to get up.

"Your turn." She mutters, clearly not happy.

But before she could even do anything, a wooden pole shoots right through her mouth. Blood oozes out like vomit.

Turns out this was caused by Liv, who is standing right behind her, and has stabbed her with the mop.

"This is for my family you fucking slut." She hisses, pulling out the mop.

Rebecca collapses to the ground, eye wide open and a mouthful of blood. Liv looks down upon her, glad she's finally killed the fuzzy bitch.

The janitor finally gets back on his feet, and he and Liv walk over to Cammy's body. She's slowly dying. The chameleon looks up at them, and mutters, almost unintelligible:

"I'll see you in Heaven."

And she passes away, the lights in her body going out.

Liv, having seen what happened before killing Rebecca, and remembering how Chris attempted to tame the lizard, feels bad for Cammy. The janitor is mostly unfazed, but feels the same way.

"C'mon. I think we can now find a way outta here." Liv tells the man, and the two head off to the gates. Upon reaching them, she tries to push them open, but they can't. Then she remembers that Dan's outside, and calls out:

"Hey! Uh, Dan, is it? Are you there?"


Dan has been walking around Leona's corpse. He hears Liv's voice, and heads towards the gates.

"Yes, I'm right here. Thank goodness you're still alive."

"Well, the janitor is with me as well." Liv says.

"What about Sheriff Lund and your friend?"

"They've been dead for a while."

Dan groans.

"But wait why won't the gates open?" Liv asks.

"How should I know? Is there something holding them shut?"

Liv pauses for a moment, apparently looking around from behind the gates to see if there's anything, before saying:

"No. There's nothing."

Dan sighs, then thinks for a moment.

"Well, don't worry about it for now. More of the police force is on their way to help you out." He assures her.


"Oh thank god." Liv mutters, putting her head on the gate.

She then looks to the janitor, and thinks. They can't just stand around waiting, especially since they're exhausted from all the fighting. She decides they'll just have to wait, considering all of the animatronics have been killed. So they walk around the park and find a bench to sit down.

The two are both lost in thought. They've had such a rough night. Running around, trying not to get killed, fighting their enemies, it's been super insane. Now they can just take a moment to finally calm their selves.

Eventually, Liv breaks the silence and chats with the silent man:

"Hey, uh, I wanted to apologize for acting very sour to you when we first met. I was just a little stressed and, I wanted to get you to realize what's been happening around here. And... the fact that you never said a single word had frustrated me. But now, I kinda admire what you had been doing. So..."

Liv pauses. A few tears shed out of her eyes.

"...I'm sorry." She finally says.

The janitor just stares down, not responding. But then he slowly tilts his head to her. The two share a look of comfort. He attempts to actually respond to Liv, but then...

A music box rendition of Pop Goes the Weasel starts playing somewhere.

The two look around. They notice speakers on top of a few poles around the park. That's where the music's coming from. But why is it playing at this time? Then, all of the rides turn on. Some of the lights illuminating the park start to flicker. The music gets louder and louder and louder.

For all they know, chaos is going on.

The janitor and Liv soon hear a familiar, deranged laugh, coming from behind them. They slowly and cautiously turn, then jump upon seeing the colossal creature behind them.

It's the man himself.

The spawn of Satan.

The real star of the show.

The one animatronic they have forgotten about.

The ringmaster of this entire goddamn wonderland...


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